Thursday, July 11, 2013


Perception 101

I have spent my whole life trying to lead a life of discovery. I searched for the "religious" experience from early in my youth, one that has been told to us by history and many times, I actually found it ( and nearly shit myself with the things I have experienced, hey, "ask and ye shall receive right?").

I think in the 21st century, it is very hard to inform people about personal responsibility unless you are on a TV show, book tour, etc. Who would listen to someone who doesn't have a yacht or bodyguards, or mansions. I mean Buddha sat under a solid diamond tree, right? Jesus drove around in a Bentley correct? 

So, I get up each day, humbly do a drawing after meditating on what to draw, write some lessons covered in humor and see how many "likes" come from what pours from my heart. Maybe I will be able to spread my unique direct message in a solid gold corvette ( hey I am balding, that is what balding guys purchase) someday.

But, till then, today, the "lesson" is about perception.

Teachers come in all forms, from the ones in religious centers, to the check out girl at the grocery store, to the homeless person on the street. Everyone was encounter can teach us. sure, certain people ( like myself) have specific talents, but the world is our classroom full of amazing info.. Today, see how much you can learn from everyone you meet ( through conscious thought and subconscious thought)...turn the internal dial to "10" and be aware of.....all.

The Rabid Monk

( Did I mention that the solid gold corvette would have a kick ass 8 track tape player)

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