Tuesday, January 13, 2015

website up!!!

The NEW Rabid Monk website is up!!!

 I want to thank all the "Rabid Monksters" that signed up for the site today. For me , it is more than a website, it is an extension of my vibe as I truly care and want people to succeed in finding the untapped self within.

Join up, grab an awesome T Shirt and get your new chi on!

The Rabid Monk

Sunday, January 4, 2015

moments in time

Moments in time when connected, create reality. 

Each moment that passes, adds onto who we can become or who we remain to be. 

Spiritual sages appear in all forms when the time is correct to help move energies along..yes they even manifest in the form of a wise ass cartoon on a blog.

The only way to prevent growth? 
Is when you let the past (memories) override the present ( a teacher right in front of you perhaps? )...and allow them to stop you in your tracks.

The Rabid Monk