Monday, September 30, 2013

Whole face full of choice

To build upon the prior blog of "enlightened traffic"....

Life will always bring you something to "work" on spiritually. Daily we are given the chance to look at situations and then apply whatever teachings we find to be sacred to create peace within (based upon the reactions to said info).

The void reactive state is the key.

I know that this statement will place a visual of complacency, that is not what I am inferring. Rather, the reaction right after you hear news, the feeling of blood boiling or peace is a choice.

The reaction is the one that then writes reality...If you get upset, then your whole vibe changes ( which usually leads to stubbing a toe, spilling coffee, fighting with a spouse or friends, etc, etc).

It can be a tough thing to apply at first, but give it a shot.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Zen and the art of " no one lets me in"

A sacred moment in time is offered in life when you are trying to exit or enter a turn.

You know, when no one lets you make a turn and and car after car just zips by you, seeing that you have your turn signal on and are growing a beard waiting and waiting....and waiting.

This is the moment in life where you can truly advance spiritually. Sure you want to call each and every person varied forms of body parts that aid you with digestion.

But if you allow someone else's energy to effect you then you become them and lose yourself. Their inability to be "nice" and let you by shouldn't cause you blood to boil.

Each car that passes, simply take a deep breath and hold, then exhale.

Say " Peace on Earth" each time someone gives you "that" look of " Oh, you aint' turning pal"

Rethink energetic situations and then you have wonderful chances to advance , not retreat.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, September 27, 2013

The nonsense of the fake smile.

What good does a false smile provide?

 It masks the truth, adds onto turmoil within and continues and endless cycle of falsehoods that have echoes for eons of time.

What ever happened to simply being honest?

Sure, it can lead to massive changes, maybe that is why people choose plastic approaches. How much BS is out there? Yikes. I know that I never do false smiles. That is probably why I spend most of my days alone in meditation.

I just cant see the value of not caring enough to be 100% honest in life. Sure, as a result of my caring, I often get kicked in the bag, but I will not stop caring, I will not stop being honest and telling like it is.

Someone has to.

The root of these false smiles( sometimes) is in fear and people often are afraid of the truth.

Below is a video I did after a Q& A on my facebook page with fans...yes, I could care less what people think of me, I am here to shift energy, make people laugh and put a new twist on spirituality.

The Rabid Monk on Fear (video)

The Rabid Monk


Peace begins with me. 

Yup, we have all heard it. But how does exactly peace begin?

Is there a formula?

A recipe?

Why as a matter of fact, there is.

It is called: The Rabid Monk get off your ass and do it -formula......TRM+A+P=: )

It starts with an understanding that on a molecular level, we are all 1 unit. So, if I am pissed or act like an ass , then all are pissed and act like an ass. So, based on that assumption, I would say that acts of peace should outweigh acts of "ass" on a daily basis.

By doing so, one can move unseen stagnant energies and allow new ideas, understanding and realities to be formed as a result of understanding peace does indeed begin within the individual.

It takes action ( A) to create peace (P) however.

So when you see someone acting like an ass, do something that creates a peaceful vibe. It's time to really look at the power we all contain and really change the world, cause currently what is transpiring...well that 'aint workin'.

TRM+A+P=: )

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Every toe has its corn or was that something about a flower? whatever.

Being spiritual is being spiritual. 

You cant live a normal life if you commit to a bettering of yourself and the world.


Well, you can live a normal life if that life is one that you create. If the world is full of turmoil and you seek peace, then you don't 'fit" in? That is what I meant by "normal".

If you oppose evil and evil dominates, then you are not normal...see? Okay.

So based upon that, all spiritual seekers will go through some personal crappola as a result of the search for something greater. I dont care if you are an atheist or a devout religious person, both simply seek the same thing...happiness... and that energy is a form of spirituality.

That Shangri La will manifest in whatever way it will with each person. So being spiritual doesn't need to be all hippy dippy or confining, rather it can free a person from the ties of being...spiritual.

Yeah, whoah...pretty friggin' metaphysical dude.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The falsehood of soft talk

Ever notice that people who claim to be spiritual, usually speak in soft tones or a manor that makes a listener feel like they just made a poo poo in their diapers?

Is there some reason that a person with a grasp of spiritual matters transforms into some whispering holier than thou butt cheese? I have spent my life in study, I have taught spiritual classes and aided the public for 15 years and guess what?

I don't whisper and I don't treat people like they cant wipe their own ass. Life is life and spiritual lessons should reflect the real world, not simply imply to those interested seek a mystical experience or out of this world confusing hodge podge of insinuations.

There are wonders, sure. But there also is dogshit.

I prefer to tell it like it is...whisper free and real.

The Rabid Monk

Real world, yo.

Is that enlightenment I smell?

Faith is like gas, no... not that kind...the fuel. It gets you towards a destination. 

Who cares what car it goes in, just drive baby, drive.

The Rabid Monk

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tweet this, you are so full of tweet.

What you lookin at muthatweeter?

One more look and I will tweet you up.

Maybe my shoe will get a shoe shine when I stick it up your tweet.

- The above section shows how any word can be altered to become a word with negative connotations. Words indeed contain energetic power, but the emotion behind any word matters as well.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Buzz Buzz Its a vibrator

Did you ever notice that people talk about "vibes?" not the kind that needs batteries. The kind that comes from within.

Well, these vibes are based upon age old sciences that directly relate to the inner working of human consciousness. To know the origins of a vibe is to know the self in a whole new manor.  Self discovery is a wonderful thing and also a pain in the ass...why?

Well, the more you know, the more you.....know. Knowing is always desired, but when the want becomes a "have" then people often want to return the gift like a pair of pants that do not fit. That isn't how all this stuff works my friends.  A vibe of knowing comes from a vibe of desire to know, but when your subconscious is educated to a whole new understanding, you cannot lower it again.

Seek the higher plane, sure, super duper pooper scooper, sounds great....BUT when you have begun to see other "realms' of thought, realize that these realms also come with new levels of baggage and the need to raise the vibe on each new level that will NEVER maintain a sameness in any spiritual journey, it is not possible.

Your vibe is ever changing....and doesn't need batteries.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rinse , dont repeat

It is common to hear history repeats itself. That is bullshit.

Actions and confusion repeat themselves  then recreate history based upon accessing the same energetic patterns. For instance, to try and solve war with war is to access insanity. You can't cool something down by adding heat to it.

To produce and create the opposite energy however, can aid in negating the stagnation. One has to trust in the void state and see the bigger picture, be it quantum physics, God, Zen..etc.

If hate is prevailing, then do something good, if war is dominant, then manifest peace.

To add darkness to night and expect to see light, well that is just plain is time for human evolution to get a kick in the balls....

We are capable of so much more.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Spare change

I made a post on my social media site that asked my followers to like the post if they wanted change in the world.

Less than 1% did so.

The same site, I have posted many times and have a 85% engagement of followers. This one question however seems to large for people to grasp and actually think possible. is possible if we act on it.