Friday, February 21, 2014

Trust fund Buddha

Today's rant is going to be a about a 2014 interpretation of Buddha and the spiritual homeless.

Okay, most know that Buddha was Prince ( a very rich prince). He walked away from his money to go find himself ( much like many trust fund babies who can "go and find themselves" and live in a yurt ( with wifi of course) for a while and then go back to daddy's company or live off the trust fund after the are "found".

He ( Buddha) then became homeless and walked around a while to find who he was. Okay, seeking the self is noble. Seeking answers to "why of life"...awesome. The issue I have with many religions passing on the history and the issue that I "discovered" within while I was searching for the answers in our timeframe?

That many people who seek fully, 100%, don't have anything to fall back on. If that enlightenment shit doesn't work out, they cant go back to Daddy's palace ( company). While I love many of the concepts of Buddhism, the truth was Buddha was a trust fund baby. Now don't get all pissed that I said that, it is the truth and the truth sets people free ( I have a big ass tattoo of Buddha on my arm since I was 19, remember I said I loved the concepts..oh yeah, I am cool, I have a "Tat").

Siddhartha Guatama didn't have the subconscious worry of money imprinted onto his brain while he went on his quest. He wasn't the same saddled with the same weight, the same financial burden as a "regular" person was. He could just roam around and test himself, if it didn't work out, well back to the palace and riches it was. It is funny, that people forget that he sat and begged for food from people, but those who are homeless today, well fuck them right? they are "bums"....Did you ever think that a "bum" could be the 21st century Buddha in the making?

You never know who is who....right? You never know.

So does that whole "leave all behind" apply to the person working 2 jobs trying to find themselves in the 21st century?

How about the single Mom, trying to find peace while she takes care of kids and a household? Can she "journey" and feel so at peace while doing so?

Spiritual reality today is different that was in the past, that is the reason for the Rabid Monk's in your face type of instruction. We can achieve what those did in the past, we can unlock the same energies...but we have to do it based upon where WE are, NOT where THEY were.

How oh do we do that, Rabid Monk you say?

Well one way is to respect the principles of all religions...the essence to what they all are trying to is this truth, the truth within and all around, no bullshitting, no ignoring...the provides other worldly connections and miracles on this plane of existence ( trust me on that). But realize that we cannot take the principles spoken thousands of years ago, literally in today's society.

Spiritual truth is fluid, flowing and becomes the time and space we the past, be the now.

There are many amazing things in religions and also many confusing elements.....will I address other religions in the future?

Oh you betcha.

The Rabid Monk

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