Monday, November 18, 2013

Fear not, fear less, send fear packin'

When a person looks at a situation that involves fear, the first question ( and the hardest) is " What is fear?" Well, It is only a thought that causes chemical reactions within the body.

While on a spiritual trip many years ago, I was in an out of the way area in Canada with a former spiritual teacher from Hawai'i. I said to him that I felt guided to go to a certain spot 2 hours away from where we were at the time, he asked if he could go along with me.

The location?

It was a swaying, swinging suspension bridge over a chasm, you know, like in an Indiana Jones movie. It was tucked away in the middle of the middle of nowhere.

I had a fear of heights at the time ( actually a fear of falling from heights and landing abruptly) and saw this as a chance to shift this energy within. So, off I went. Lucky me, upon arrival I saw that I had the wonderful chance to cross not 1 but 2 bridges at this location ( yay) ! 2 really, really high bridges that
( wow, what luck) were being effected by the days windy weather!!! ( double yay)

When I went across the 1st bridge ( that was really swaying due to the strong winds) my body chemistry was telling me many things (  you will fall, the bridge will snap in the wind, etc). But on that day so
many years ago, with each step that passed the thoughts dispersed, and I conquered and understood fear.

The 2nd bridge? I don't even remember crossing, it was so effortless.

What I was doing was projecting an outcome, something that may have happened in a prior life in regards to heights ( to get all hippy dippy) and my memories where freezing me, but they did not happen in this life and in order to move all ahead, well, that fear needed to be addressed ( remember, we are all linked and what one has, we all have, so to shift the self is to shift the world).

So when the time is right, if something freezes you, ask yourself in the moment " What is this fear?".

The Rabid Monk

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