Thursday, December 5, 2013

Whoah...a cosmic picture frame....intense man, intense.

What is more important do you think...the smaller picture frame or the bigger picture?

Life can ( and will) confine you at times if you allow it to.

Many volunteer their lives to what is called a"normal life" and trudge along for years till " The end" eventually arrives and then they question if they made the correct choices throughout their lifespan.
Some seek pursuits that are "of a spiritual nature" and as a result, also spend their lives in the same existence as someone who chose the "normal" way and thus wind up questioning things as well "in the end".

How so?

Well extremes on both ends just lead to the same outcome.

A spiritual person who always looks at the etheric qualities of life may miss the rhythm and order of existence by being so "searchy" (You know, the super deep type that over spiritually analyze?) and the " Norm" seeker will miss out on the chance to explore life " Out of the box".

Life is a combo platter...the "spiritual" is a portion, the "norm" is a portion, both work together and should never oppose each other.  When one dominates then the balance is upset.  Think about a yin yang, being to "yinny" or "yangggy" if one color dominates then the 50/50 is tilted.

Hug a tree sure, but you also need to make money to purchase a seed to plant to make the tree. The major difference is a balanced mind, looks at all aspects, not just the hug or the purchase.

The Rabid Monk

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