Friday, June 6, 2014

dont go chasing waterfalls....

The power of a rushing waterfall is immense. 

To stand next to the crashing water is a real energy booster, the air supercharged charged with ions, energy of the impact of water to ground is very cool to chill out next to.

Now, all this positive energy is located at the bottom, the point where falling water meets earth....the top? That is the point of change ( choice). Sitting at the top of a waterfall is beautiful, but you wont experience the true power, it has to be accessed below.

Rabid Monk Deep Stuff Time:

Chasing the top of a waterfall ( conscious thought) will only lead to you a point of no return, the same flow over and over. The power to truly change is deep within ( the subconscious mind...the "below" ) where water of thought can crash and spray wherever it lands, where the mist of change is in the air from the impact, where energy physically changes shape and then returns to its original state, flowing naturally.

Know the difference between the two secret energies of waterfall and you will begin to see life ( and experience) in a whole new way.

-I shit you not.

The Rabid Monk

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