Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dung beetle of truth

I had a thought yesterday.

I was sitting enjoying a lovely beverage ( who can deny a lovely beverage) and had a thought wash over me.  The thought ?

What the hell is wrong with people? Why do so many just hate or feel that it is okay to treat others poorly?

1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class? Really?

When we die, do you think that there is a 1st class section?

I bet that a dung beetle once thought it was better than everyone else. Probably from time to time as it picks up and rolls around it's favorite lump of crap, it has flashes of another life in it's mind when it was "better than others" due to social or economic classifications.

It probably stops and says " Huh, I cut in front of a line? I demanded to get my way?, I was indeed better than those around me!"......Hmmmm, seems I had a past life moment, Nah!, oh well, back to my dung."

Ponder that.

The Rabid Monk

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