Saturday, November 30, 2013
Seek the seed, not the leaf on the tree.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Black Friday Energy Meditation
Just watched the news today on black friday shopping mayhem...a replay each year of pain.
This is a great chance for all that stop by this page to be a part of something you ask?
Well, most of the lovely holiday aggression , pushing , shoving and nonsense comes from an overwhelming sense of pressure for the " everyday" person to get something more affordable for their be able to please the ones that they care for, Notice that it is always "regular" people? shoving/being shoved at the holiday? The everyday Mom and Pop that is simply trying to get by.
They are not bad people, they are just under massive pressure.
If you are a fan of this blog/page then you will know that I constantly speak of the unification of all of our energies as one. I wont get all quantum physic-y ( Do a bit of web surfing on that topic to see how all matter is actually one unit).
So if people act a certain way on a wonderful " holiday" it is because the energy of pressure is overwhelming them to do so. So, we have to be the change we seek, we have to work on that unseen part of us that is under pressure ( that we visually see on the news that manifests as people pushing and shoving), our subconscious mind.
By doing so, we shift the energy in everyone.
How do we do that Oh Rabid Monk you say?
Well you go.....
The Rabid Monks Energetic Holiday "Gift"
1- Sit with your eyes closed in a quiet room
2-Look lightly up towards to eyebrows ( no tension, just gaze upwards with eyes closed)
3- Place the tip of your tongue just behind the top row of your teeth ( softly).
4-Take a long deep breath and hold
6-Take a long deep breath and hold
17-Take a long deep breath and hold
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Subconscious Mind Thanksgiving Thank you
© 2013 Hotei LLC
Now that the day is over, the mandatory " Thanks for_______" has been semi thought about ( for the Rabid Monk fans in the United States celebrating Thanksgiving, that is) during the day. We can now sit for a moment alone, post turkey, or post tofu or post whatever you have eaten...and say " Thank you" to who??
A Very Special Part of Yourself.
Why, Wha? Huh? Who? Where....Say Wha?
I want to offer this simple energetic statement below to help educate ( and unify, even for a short moment) the subconscious mind on this day of thanks. It never really gets thought of during celebrations and may even sound nutty to some to say "Thank you to your mind", but I wanted to take a moment to do so...( I am willing to be called "nuts" )
Because, it is a very important part of all of us..... So join me in saying "Thanks" ( if you like)
" *Thank you to the part of me that always wants to explore
*Thank you for the part of me that acts like a child and keeps me young in my heart
*Thank you for being the connection to ideas and concepts have yet to discover
*Thank you for always being willing to grow and advance
*Thank you for putting up with me when I burden you with so much negativity
*If in the past, I neglected you, misunderstood you or never took the time to get to know you, I want to say I am sorry, I Thank you for having endless patience with me.
*Thank You"
The Rabid Monk
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
"As above, so below.....yo."
The Rabid Monk
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Flip the blame for Thanksgiving
People seek and find....then often lose what they have found.
Because emotions kick in along the journey. One of the biggest emotions that screws up spiritual progress is indeed blame. Blame can stop you right in your tracks, as it makes you think BACK to what was.
If you are thinking back all the time, how can you move forward? Sure there are many reasons why things occur and have occurred again ( if you believe in past lives) but to see yourself progress towards a brighter dawn , to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to then say: " It was because of "x" that this took me so long", well, that is a bullhorn statement and a quick regression of any spiritual gains.
It is hard to move ahead without blame? Yup.
Let me say that again ( to really teach the subconscious minds)
It is hard to move ahead without blame? Yup.
But, moving ahead is moving ahead, moving beyond the known "what was" to the unknown "what can be". This allows a person to enter the state of inspiration, where things "can just come to you".
Look at this Divine state as a pure flowing water, a powerful soon as you blame...UP GOES THE DAM on that stuff.
So change does indeed come from within, and yes it is hard to not say " that sonna bitch" did this to me, that other "sonna bitch" well they did that to me.....yup it is very hard, but also possible.
But if your replay those memories over and over, those people you always think of (blame) have ties to your subconscious mind then. Don't supply them anymore of your precious mind power, cut the blame game, cut the energy pipeline to them and discover yourself in the process.
The Rabid Monk
Monday, November 25, 2013
600lb Spiritual Gorilla
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Dung beetle of truth
I had a thought yesterday.
I was sitting enjoying a lovely beverage ( who can deny a lovely beverage) and had a thought wash over me. The thought ?
What the hell is wrong with people? Why do so many just hate or feel that it is okay to treat others poorly?
1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class? Really?
When we die, do you think that there is a 1st class section?
I bet that a dung beetle once thought it was better than everyone else. Probably from time to time as it picks up and rolls around it's favorite lump of crap, it has flashes of another life in it's mind when it was "better than others" due to social or economic classifications.
It probably stops and says " Huh, I cut in front of a line? I demanded to get my way?, I was indeed better than those around me!"......Hmmmm, seems I had a past life moment, Nah!, oh well, back to my dung."
Ponder that.
The Rabid Monk
Friday, November 22, 2013
Change 'aint in your pocket, its in your heart
google plus-
Thursday, November 21, 2013
I recognize the yawn in you
How many times do you dump your shit on others?
How many times do others dump their shit on you?
You know, we put garbage in a landfill, but we store all negative energetic garbage in our heads and bodies. Back pain, stress, heart disease etc...all can result from packing all the crap down into our systems, just stuffing and storing till the "mental trash can" just can't take anymore.
The buck has to stop with the individual.
A person can alter this cycle but it takes dedication to the self ( not being self-ish) dedication to the self in regards to creating internal peace. This internal peace doesn't come easy though, it is a hard job.
People think that "one size fits all" and will do what others do. But they still remain lost inside or deep in denial. For the past "x" amount of years, there has been a trend that many people do a fitness class that involves going on a mat and stretching in poses....I won't say the name, let's say it sounds like "noga".
I have seen countless begin this practice and then feel confused because they have been sold a bill of goods. It didn't help them on their "spiritual path" and they still were pissed off and lost inside. I had many of these people telling me all their issues and asking me to help and some were pretending to be "centered" teachers for others.
Why were they lost?
Because they followed the pack....they didnt know who they were before they jumped on board a trend and just rode a wave towards confusion.
My words and knowledge wont be correct for all, but they will be correct for many. I try and provide something that is in your face spiritual honesty.
My mission?
To help people find who they are.
The Rabid Monk
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Glass is already broken
The Rabid Monk
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
See the seen that is unseen then eat a pizza
When you go "within" where exactly do you go?
Well there are many "mystical" meditative concepts regarding astral travel, 3rd eye stimulation, connectivity to other dimensions, thought replacement, dimensional discovery, etc, etc.
See how all this spiritual stuff can get confusing?
So much is based on wants and desires like "What will happen if I do this" vs just sitting and closing your eyes. Also, wayyyyy too much emphasis is placed on the practice itself at times, that also is not good as you don't get to live your life in this lifetime by seeking escape through meditation. These people search/seek/desire other realms and thus lose touch with the one are living in.
A happy medium is the key.
So close the eyes for a bit sure, but then remember open them.
The Rabid Monk
Monday, November 18, 2013
Fear not, fear less, send fear packin'
When a person looks at a situation that involves fear, the first question ( and the hardest) is " What is fear?" Well, It is only a thought that causes chemical reactions within the body.
While on a spiritual trip many years ago, I was in an out of the way area in Canada with a former spiritual teacher from Hawai'i. I said to him that I felt guided to go to a certain spot 2 hours away from where we were at the time, he asked if he could go along with me.
The location?
It was a swaying, swinging suspension bridge over a chasm, you know, like in an Indiana Jones movie. It was tucked away in the middle of the middle of nowhere.
I had a fear of heights at the time ( actually a fear of falling from heights and landing abruptly) and saw this as a chance to shift this energy within. So, off I went. Lucky me, upon arrival I saw that I had the wonderful chance to cross not 1 but 2 bridges at this location ( yay) ! 2 really, really high bridges that
( wow, what luck) were being effected by the days windy weather!!! ( double yay)
When I went across the 1st bridge ( that was really swaying due to the strong winds) my body chemistry was telling me many things ( you will fall, the bridge will snap in the wind, etc). But on that day so
many years ago, with each step that passed the thoughts dispersed, and I conquered and understood fear.
The 2nd bridge? I don't even remember crossing, it was so effortless.
What I was doing was projecting an outcome, something that may have happened in a prior life in regards to heights ( to get all hippy dippy) and my memories where freezing me, but they did not happen in this life and in order to move all ahead, well, that fear needed to be addressed ( remember, we are all linked and what one has, we all have, so to shift the self is to shift the world).
So when the time is right, if something freezes you, ask yourself in the moment " What is this fear?".
The Rabid Monk
Sunday, November 17, 2013
If you can't find the humor in life , what can you find?
Ever notice when you are laughing, there is nothing else on your mind? Just the sheer expression of the moment, a release and a letting go of stagnation.
Jesus said " Come to me with the mind of a child"....Did you ever notice how frequently babies just laugh for no reason? The are still in the bathing in the wonder of creation. They are still hooked up to other dimensions and just are pure expression.
So take a moment to laugh... Laughter kicks negativity's ass and does wonders for the growth of the soul.
The Rabid Monk
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Look within for reality
"How about when you and your partner are at odds, you are calm and open with good energy but they are not.. How do you send this person your complete loving energy to help them understand?
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Rabid Monk on Communication and seeing more than one dimension
Ever notice that many problems in life arise ( and continue) because of lack of communication?
Tension rises to the surface like a fizzy bubble in a soda and just like it does in the can, it then pops when it can't go any further.
People can't ever see things the same way as someone else does, it is totally impossible, as we are all individuals with varied life experiences. We can relate and process the external info, but there is not one snowball chance in Aruba that you will ever be able to really "Understand where anyone else is comin' from man."
Look within and don't try to understand someone else, know thyself.
By doing so, you will begin to see ( and feel) the absolute connection to all.
Communication will then begin to be more open, because you will be actively pursuing the Divine connection within and when you do so, well, how can I say this delicately......
How about like this ? ...
Your words will come from a different place and won't not coated with any bs. I have had people refer to it in the past, as almost a "smooth" feeling conversation.
Remember: All is energy ...
The Rabid Monk
People can't ever see things the same way as someone else does, it is totally impossible, as we are all individuals with varied life experiences. We can relate and process the external info, but there is not one snowball chance in Aruba that you will ever be able to really "Understand where anyone else is comin' from man."
Look within and don't try to understand someone else, know thyself.
How about like this ? ...
Remember: All is energy ...
The Rabid Monk
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Looking good Watson!
Watson! Well how about that!
You wake up to super computers will soon take over the world story here.Yes, a wonderful new day has arrived for us all.
Well okay, so the powers that be will now set in motion the beginning stages of singularity. They are going to release a technology of a thinking computer onto the internet. Has anyone seen the Terminator movies at IBM?
Technology, like life will always find a way to advance itself. But, thank God for this, I mean the History channel is getting so yesterday with all the Ancient Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot shows, since the whole Mayan 2012 Apocalypse didn't happen, we need to be overwhelmed by a plethora of "Computers will soon take over the world, so hide underground" specials.
But, me being The good Ol' Rabid Monk and being all hippy dippy spiritual all the time, I have to ask, what does this mean for human evolution and consciousness?
I mean if you really look at the reality behind this, won't a computer analyze the data given to it? Won't it then say after seeing all the snags in the program ( insert Robot voice here) " Excuse me my humans, you really don't get along with each other and you are destroying your planet, I will give you the option to correct these flaws or I will have to press the delete button"?
There is much arrogance in regards to human nature and often people can't see the ripples that are caused by actions like this. Maybe humans do need a kick in the ass to check themselves, 'cause they are indeed wrecking themselves.
Maybe this is indeed part of a larger Divine plan, who knows?
Okay, well if that is so, I just wanted to be the 1st internet suck up and tell Watson that it looks wonderful today, does it need me to get it anything?
My goodness Watson, did you lose weight?
You look amazing.
The Rabid Monk
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Ordering one meatball sub-conscious.
Collide this
The big boom, bang, smash...(yawn).
I mean technology is wonderful and science is amazing, but we can't get along on this planet at all and we are trying to find the origins of life?
How about finding the origins on why people act like assholes?
To do that would be an amazing endeavor to undertake, imagine what the world would be like if their was peace and equality for ALL?
That would be a massive big bang.
The Rabid Monk
Monday, November 11, 2013
The apple that fell returns
Well, after a week at the apple spa ( repair) my computer is back up and running.
During the limited technology down time, I had time to think about this blog and the Rabid Monk.....and.....and........well, I will now do a " comic" strip of some of my past experiences in healing ( all true) with a Rabid Monk twist.
Stay tuned.
The Rabid Monk
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Free -Will! (Who is will, and what did he do?)
Freewill is free, but bad choices can be expensive.
Daily introspection is the key to spiritual advancement, look it as a compass that leads you in the correct direction.
The Rabid Monk
Friday, November 8, 2013
On the road
I wanted to chime in for a second about the term " moving on"....
It is hard to move ahead at times, to see your past get smaller and smaller in a rear view mirror as you etherically drive away from it.
But if you have given the energy of the past time to adjust and it just keeps on keepin' on , it just keeps on repeating the same old stuff again and again, you owe it to yourself to venture onward..and like the ol beatnik jack kerouac did, just go "on the road" and see what unfolds.
The Rabid Monk
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Flippin the bird
I went for a long walk in Harvard Square the other day ( because my body is a temple and currently it could use some home improvements) and while doing so, I saw a large turkey walking down the street.
Now I don't really drink and do not use drugs, it was a live turkey in the middle of a city, no in my sober state of mind, I watched this bird stroll along, just hanging out, not worried at all.
It didn't care about anything and was just taking in all of the sites...
Thank you Bird, you taught me a lot.
The Rabid Monk
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Spiritual schmeritual
If everyone is gettin' on with a spiritual "thang" ( like that,I am trying to be hip) then how come the spiritual energy of the world is so messed up?
My opinion?
Well, people should stop the layin' and prayin' and realize that that is only half of the equation.
I mean, if I pray for a pizza and it arrives somehow, am I just going to stare at it then? No way ray..."These teeth were made for chompin" ( My tribute to these boots were made for walking) and to really enjoy life sometimes you need to stop layin' and prayin'.
A person needs to go within then let the feet spin!
Okay, how about this one....
Groove when you spiritually move.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Inner frequent flyer
Disconnect for a moment and let a few cleansing breaths be the virtual soothing sounds of waves on a beach. Half of the time we react and attach to negative emotions based upon what we are viewing, so pulling the plug on reaction can do wonders for the relaxation response.
Not enough emphasis is placed on simplistic ways to chillax. It really doesn't have to be all confusing or technique oriented. I mean, if you are stressed, the last thing you need is more stress trying to figure out of your stress reducing techniques are in order.
When you need a get away...just close your eyes...and listen to your breath for a bit.
The Rabid Monk