Saturday, July 12, 2014

memory schmemory

Ever wonder why there is a "right" place at the "right" time and a "wrong" place at the "wrong" time? Well....based on some of my global travels, I studied this very question. I wont get deep into details however, as this post would then blabber on for hours. 

But basically, memory is stored within matter and sometimes a person triggers this dormant energy and it then manifests either positive or negative outcomes for them based upon dominant energies and karma. Part of expanding a state of consciousness is being able to let go of dominant thoughts that play on on each side of the spectrum, kind of sitting in the middle of a teeter totter vs being on either end.

This state is not one of a zombie like blank emotions...but rather heightened, but heightened in the sense of awareness, not emotional reaction.....okay, I am going to zip my lip now.

The Rabid Monk

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