Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The secret to peace

Peace on earth won't begin with a saying. 

It will begin when the heart cannot take the nonsense it experiences any longer and understands that Divine connection to something greater is indeed possible. Peace will then become as tangible and real as anything else that is created on earth through application of universal principles.

Peace is not an etheric concept or some bullshit bumper sticker. Peace is indeed a possibility, but it is created ( or destroyed) by choice. Peace has to have its creative origins in a state of nothingness, it cannot have an agenda, it cannot have a goal or a projected outcome.

It has be a "canvas" state where future outcomes are not decided by past histories personal wants or desires, but driven by the longing to see what was and create what can be...not through repetition of prior energies that have caused turmoil, but by fully understanding the capability of human consciousness and applying that power to change the past "dna" of hate and war.

This historical energy has always had origins with the human mind and "thoughts of" another person or situation. A clenching choke of "reality" then once again plays out, as a person gets caught in a response wave and can only react to the invisible "what was" of past emotional ties that then lead his/her addictive actions to create the all to familiar repetitive outcomes such as hate/war/fear/ etc.

Peace is a layered action that builds in time, not in an is sort of like hair, it slowly grows ( well, not in my case, but for those with hair).

You cannot however, add a peaceful layer to life and then oppose it shortly afterwards by conflicting actions, as your choice to do so simply removes the foundation that you have placed and then you wind up playing catch up, running on a etheric treadmill that goes nowhere.

Peace is 100% all in, all the time....or not.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


When exactly deep  temperature become a way that describes who a person is ? 

A "cool" person with a "hot" body?

That seems to be extremes on both ends. Kind of against the universal yin yang balance don't you think?

I guess if you say to someone you are so "luke warm" you would be really be complementing them, as that is saying they have perfect energetic balance, but they probably wouldn't get it and probably want to slap you.

But that is just my point of view, the luke warm ( and humble).....

 Rabid Monk

Monday, December 23, 2013

read this

Spiritual while alive

Time and things change, that is the fact jack. 

The mind also has to change with time & the spirit has to do so as well. A leisure suit was great in 1975, but walk into a job interview wearing one now and chances are ( unless you are doing a 70's porn movie re-creation) you will not be hired.

The suit was great then, now??? mmmmmm, not so much.

The same thing applies to understanding oneself and ones sense of spirituality. A spiritual pursuit shouldn't just be a "pursuit" for your whole life and then after years of being faithful to it, you just friggin' drop...Yay enlightenment! Oh shit, wait, I am dead.

The process should have a sense of "arrival" at specific stages in your life which then leads to introspection on completion of each wonderful chapter that has unfolded. A person then can appreciate what they have done and then move to a new level of reality ( kind of like when a snake sheds it's skin) one that has always been right in front of them all along, waiting for them to "spiritually mature".

Far too often though, people just keep on plodding away, day after day, year after year without any goal in mind to what this whole "invisible" spiritual stuff is about. This ( in The Rabid Monk's concepts) is a version of energetic stagnation.

The internal spirit/lifeforce/chi/prana/ki/tao/apple pie...(whatever it is you believe in) desires movement and results, not a stagnation of life itself while you wait to "spiritually advance".

Sure, people have certain spiritual beliefs and I am not telling anyone what to believe in, what I am saying is a personal spiritual journey should manifest changes within a persons consciousness and bring them to new heights and levels of appreciation of all, ones that actually bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds. ( Insert standard horseshit sounding positive statement here : ) -You can't see where you are going unless you truly see where you have been. 

This understanding makes a person a part of the changes they seek and actually opens more doors in regards to a persons own personal belief systems.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Spiritual Grapes FIGHT BACK

The Rabid Monk

The owl pr scam

So an owl says "who", correct?

Well, an owl  that also asks that same question over and over,  cannot be that wise.
Maybe shake it up a bit, throw in a " what", " oh really" or even a " I never would have imagined that".

Whoever's marketing and branding  the owl as the smart bird should rethink the strategy, I think people are catching on.

Just sayin'

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Words of ...waaaaa?

"Looking back at forward, I begin to see the past is ahead of me."
The Rabid Monk
What the hell does that mean? #constipatedkarma

Frozen solid

Do people know that perception can indeed freeze people their tracks?

I am always amazed that because of my frank, funny way to approach spiritual matters, that people often do not take me seriously. I have to laugh inside, because I am indeed the very man that cured the blind and made infertile women have children ( and much more) for 15 years at my former office in Boston on Newbury Street.

So based on that, I know a "bit" about this "spiritual energy stuff"....wouldn't you say?

The hard thing is perception though as people have locked themselves into a idea of what teacher should look and act like. I feel in many ways, like a spiritual pioneer and as a result of that I often have to exert tremendous amounts of energy to show people that you can indeed have a Divine connection and also say shit at the same time ( gasp!)

It is worth it though, I am not complaining ( well, maybe a bit).

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Know yo' goals

Make sure you know your true goals or you can travel far and still be in the shit.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

21st century spiritual chit chat

To look at the self is possibly the biggest obstacle on a person journey into spiritual matters. 

Sure, there is much complexity in regards to the idea of thought/prayer/desire/letting go etc.

But it all comes down to the self and how a person either does 1 of 2 things:

1-Continues the journey into the unknown
2-Stops the journey and continues past energies as a result

When a person makes the effort to look at themselves, lots of stuff will indeed pop up. There may be times you feel all "holy and self righteous" because of good deeds you have done, other days, well, as in my cartoon above, you may remember times you were indeed a prick.

To look behind BOTH elements is to pursue the greatest adventure of all, the journey of your consciousness during your lifespan. A lifespan is indeed short and the learning curve is constantly underway in one shape or form as we mature.  Spiritual pursuits however, can be absolutely frustrating at times as it seems that challenge is the only result of said pursuits. 

This occurs most of the time because people ( despite being dedicated to spiritual matters) also get influenced by past sages and lose their own personal pursuit for understanding and follow vs leading....themselves. The get caught up in sacrifice or spend countless hours to discover what cant be discovered and then wind up just being a cliche phrase sayer vs actually progressing spiritually.

Expansion of thought and expansion of the soul is based entirely on the time frame that the human life is evolving in. You cannot have the same reality as someone in 1945, they would look at you as a spaceman or spacewoman if you said at the time " I will just video chat with my friend to find out where the best place to eat is, or let me just check my gps"….. But yet spiritual pursuits still seem to be stuck in time.....

The same exact thing has to happen with human consciousness ( like the advancing of technology), we can appreciate the information that was given before to us by spiritual pioneers, but we have to now embrace ourselves in the 21st spiritual century.  We have to look at spiritual matters as global matters, we have to look at our “inner time” (meditation/prayer, etc) and see how it can directly alter our “outer time” ( reality). 

No longer can we think we are not part of the power that we desire, our souls desire change, we all feel it.

It is time.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, December 9, 2013

Gain balance, flip the tip, get a grip, don't slip.

"In the beginning there was the word"...lots of words.

I believe in some consciousness that is indeed greater than us, a Divine source that we are a constant part of. The swing and a miss that people often subject themselves to, is the strikeout of not connecting to this source through action on a daily basis. People sit on a tack and then complain about the pain, they continue a negative pattern by asking for something good to happen from this source..." I hope something good will happen life is....blah blah blah".

You cannot serve 2 Masters, you cannot dwell on shit and then ask for a miracle.

You are part of that source, you can make things happen for yourself if you are willing to break the cycles that you are always engaging in through repetitive actions on your part ( physical actions, introspection, patterns, etc).  In may seem like you are swimming upstream, it may be very hard sure, but inside you is the same exact "stuff" that was inside Jesus, The Buddha, Moses, etc...all of them.

I have the fortune of knowing this for a fact, because in the past, I was a very successful healer in Boston ( on swanky Newbury Street) for 15 years. I never took "credit" for the countless amazing instances of healing or allowed my ego to say that " I was doing all the miracles".


I told every single person that thanked me endlessly... to not thank me, thank the Boss " I am just the plumber, unclogging stuff".

Now have people simply sent me stuff to help them without asking if it is okay to? Yes, that has been my experience from time to time since doing this Rabid Monk cartoon. Strangers just send me issues for me to "fix" without asking me if it is okay to do so or understanding that there are always complex energetic issues behind what they ask, very complex issues.

Do I always help those who do this? No, not really.

Why Rabid Monk do you do this? are you not a "healer" ?

Well, yes, I actually am. It is hard to show people the totality of energy though, it is tough showing them the truth. The issue of people just dumping stuff on me and helping them all the time does not help the person who has done the dumping.  I can do much and have done much, but I cannot help people that do not understand the energy of the good ol yin yang, as crap will always come back again for them somehow ( call that Karma is you want).

The Gospel of Thomas ( just using this as a reference, I embrace all info) speaks of this "yin-yang" balance this way: "When they receive you, eat whatever they to serve you ( yin). Heal those among them who are sick ( yang).

People have to see that a scale cannot be tipped to one side, it does nothing to transmute energy this way, it doesn't erase issues, it just moves them for a bit. ie: If someone does something for you, do something for them.

"In the beginning there was the word"...lots of words.

The word in in this instance?


(Hmmmm, pretty good healing lesson for a rainy monday morning don't you think?)

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The balance of a horses ass


 When exactly did a horses ass become the reference point for humans making improper decision?

I mean, a horses ass is noble, it supports a rider, it carries the weight of a load...So when did some people think that this was indeed a way to degrade other people by referring them to be one? It seems quite contrary to the actual nobility of the body part.

Will it continue to other objects or animals?

"Quit being a blender"..." You are such a 56k modem"..." Yup, typical response from the back portion of the lower leg joint of a yak".....


I say we return the horses ass to the status of nobility.......and if there is still a desire to refer to our fellow woman and man in a negative sense....

Use this: " You are acting like a politician" that type of energy everyone can relate to.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Whoah...a cosmic picture frame....intense man, intense.

What is more important do you think...the smaller picture frame or the bigger picture?

Life can ( and will) confine you at times if you allow it to.

Many volunteer their lives to what is called a"normal life" and trudge along for years till " The end" eventually arrives and then they question if they made the correct choices throughout their lifespan.
Some seek pursuits that are "of a spiritual nature" and as a result, also spend their lives in the same existence as someone who chose the "normal" way and thus wind up questioning things as well "in the end".

How so?

Well extremes on both ends just lead to the same outcome.

A spiritual person who always looks at the etheric qualities of life may miss the rhythm and order of existence by being so "searchy" (You know, the super deep type that over spiritually analyze?) and the " Norm" seeker will miss out on the chance to explore life " Out of the box".

Life is a combo platter...the "spiritual" is a portion, the "norm" is a portion, both work together and should never oppose each other.  When one dominates then the balance is upset.  Think about a yin yang, being to "yinny" or "yangggy" if one color dominates then the 50/50 is tilted.

Hug a tree sure, but you also need to make money to purchase a seed to plant to make the tree. The major difference is a balanced mind, looks at all aspects, not just the hug or the purchase.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The mystery of a Divine menu

•Big counter above, big chair, big spoon, big sky

•Yummy Cookie

•Which way do I go?

•Which religious concept?

 •Who am I?

•Turn that loud music you damn kids!

•What the hell is going on?

•Ooh look at the pretty tree

•Big counter above, big chair, big spoon, big sky

The above represents a few stages of life as we age.

Ohhh the vibrance of youth, when a kitchen counter was so very high above us,  a chair was like a mountain, a spoon; a shovel and the glory of a cookie! As we age and life adds it bullshit and experiences, we begin to lose this wonder and begin try to "figure" things out.

This starts a long period of trial and error, of discovery and of loss. We get tossed and turned in a sea of stimulation for years and then all of a sudden, one day, the loud music that we loved to blast and annoy people with, well, is just a bit too loud. We begin to see mortality unfold before us as the movie stars that we enjoyed begin to pass away, the rock stars we rock and rolled all night with, age and retire and we (gasp) no longer get looks from the opposite sex.

The stages that follow as life ticks almost repeats the vibrance of youth, as the mind questions the lifespan itself (What the hell is going on)...Instead of seeing wonder, it wonders. When this stage passes, life begins to return to the state of simplicity and then finally the body readies itself for transition once again.

This isn't a "heavy" or depressing post, rather a way to address many of the questions that people have asked me in regards to faith and spiritual practices.

You see, a spiritual practice has to enlighten you, with emphasis on "lighten". Our lifespans are far too short to not feel a connective bliss on earth from a Divine source ( Whatever source you want to believe in). We are just here to advance and learn. Some methods remove "sin", some say clean up "karma", some study "past lives"....etc. All are basically are looking for the same thing, a connection to something greater on this plane of existence, to return back to a state of peace within ones consciousness.

But you need not have burden while doing so, for that burden becomes a burden and burden then becomes the emphasis, not peace.

Spiritual matters are complex, sure.

But when people along the journey say " My life is hard or someone I know is acting like a jerk..etc" that is the exact time to look behind the curtain, to see the self, to discover the strength, the clarity, the untold possibility that you have within.

Things come up to be released, not to be is movement.

So whatever stage of life you are in, the " Who am I" or the "Yummy cookie" realize that it is a stage that you are in and to completely embrace where you are and by doing so, you can indeed achieve amazing things.

The Rabid Monk

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Spiritual feet, don't fail me now...daddy o'

So.... there is a great book of beatnik influenced self discovery called " On the Road" written by the late Jack Kerouac ( I have spoke of this book in prior posts). If you have not read it, it tells the story of criss cross travels around America and the related experiences and characters along the way.

I being The Rabid Monk, always have to put a spiritual spin on all things and want to use Mr. Kerouac's novel as a tool to do so.

You see, once we are born, throughout all of our life, we are indeed   "On the road" in some way, shape or form. Each chapter that unfolds, we find odd characters, new situations, drama, love, conflict..etc..." On the Road ( during our lifetime)".

It may seem at times that life sucks, but you are just in the suck chapter (s). There is one exception however, you are not just an observer reading it ( your life novel) are writing it through your actions and behaviors. 

So, if you desire a new chapter, you cannot rehash what was written prior ( by you) would be boring and well, just allow future chapters full of crappola to unfold.

You are the principal character in your " life novel" , so where do you want your character to go?

Stuck on that? Well, you seem to be interested in spiritual matters....

Okay here are a couple of topics that you can ponder....

 On your journey, how did you find The Rabid Monk? 

• What lessons are you learning from him? 

•Do you see his dedication?

 •His desire for peace? 

•His knowledge base? 

•How does he influence you?

•Was it by chance that you found him or were you ready for a spiritual teacher like him ( me) in your life and he ( me) just showed up somehow ?

Ponder those questions in your oncoming chapters.

Remember, if you want to be "all" spiritual, you must then lead a life that is indeed so. But, you must also know what real spirituality is in order to properly comprehend the flow and proper character development of yourself in your ever unfolding " life novel". 

Deep?  Oh yes, very Deep Daddy O.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Seek the seed, not the leaf on the tree.

The old saying " Don't judge a book by it's cover" is something that we have heard many times during our life and like many things we encounter, we become complacent to the usage of the contained energy of the statement.

How often does judgement slow us down? 

How often does it just sway people off the "path"? ( whatever the hell that means).

To look at someone and to enjoy the clothes they wear or the way they style their hair is well, judgement, correct? I mean you evaluate the other person ( in whatever way) when you look at them, processing what you see internally and then place a like or dislike thought in your mind based upon the data you just absorbed in a micro moment.

Holy horseshit, that is sure a complex series of events in the blink of an eye.

But we are told if we are all"spiritual-ly" we shouldn't judge someone right? How can you then look at anyone or anything and not "judge"in some form?

A tree is beautiful=Judgement

The rose smells wonderful=Judgement

This traffic sure sucks=Judgement

You cannot. 

What you can do is pre/post judgment introspection.

•What are/were the origins of your judgement(s)? Take a look at the self, seek the seed, not the leaf on the tree.

This whole spiritual thing isn't a easy fix, it is a long study of the self, but it is worth it.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Energy Meditation

Just watched the news today on black friday shopping mayhem...a replay each year of pain.

This is a great chance for all that stop by this page to be a part of something you ask?

Well, most of the lovely holiday aggression , pushing , shoving and nonsense comes from an overwhelming sense of pressure for the " everyday" person to get something more affordable for their be able to please the ones that they care for, Notice that it is always "regular" people? shoving/being shoved at the holiday? The everyday Mom and Pop that is simply trying to get by.

They are not bad people, they are just under massive pressure.

If you are a fan of this blog/page then you will know that I constantly speak of the unification of all of our energies as one. I wont get all quantum physic-y ( Do a bit of web surfing on that topic to see how all matter is actually one unit).

So if people act a certain way on a wonderful " holiday" it is because the energy of pressure is overwhelming them to do so. So, we have to be the change we seek, we have to work on that unseen part of us that is under pressure ( that we visually see on the news that manifests as people pushing and shoving), our subconscious mind.

By doing so, we shift the energy in everyone.

How do we do that Oh Rabid Monk you say?

Well  you go.....

The Rabid Monks Energetic Holiday "Gift"

1- Sit with your eyes closed in a quiet room
2-Look lightly up towards to eyebrows ( no tension, just gaze upwards with eyes closed)
3- Place the tip of your tongue just behind the top row of your teeth ( softly).
4-Take a long deep breath and hold
6-Take a long deep breath and hold
8-Take a long deep breath and hold
10- Breathe Normal
11- With your minds eye ( eye still are closed) see the crowds, see the mayhem, replay the chaos in your mind. Se the people shoving, the the people mistreating each other.
12-Slowly place a "translucent layer" over the image of "physical pressure to find bliss", place a layer of a soft pink, see through cloud gently floating over the people.
13- Allow this cloud to slowly settle on top of the images of chaos (keeping your eyes closed in the process)
14- Feel the tension move from a "popping" static, to a smoothness, a feeling of a gentle, soft embrace
15-Take a long deep breath and hold
17-Take a long deep breath and hold
19-Take a long deep breath and hold
21- Breathe Normal

Open eyes.

Wash your hands right after ( and each time) you choose do this exercise.

Peace be with you today and always,

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Subconscious Mind Thanksgiving Thank you

                                                                       © 2013 Hotei LLC

Now that the day is over, the mandatory " Thanks for_______" has been semi thought about ( for the Rabid Monk fans in the United States celebrating Thanksgiving, that is) during the day. We can now sit for a moment alone, post turkey, or post tofu or post whatever you have eaten...and say " Thank you" to who??

A Very Special Part of Yourself.

Why, Wha? Huh? Who? Where....Say Wha?

I want to  offer this 
simple energetic statement below to help educate ( and unify, even for a short moment) the subconscious mind on this day of thanks. It never really gets thought of during celebrations and may even sound nutty to some to say "Thank you to your mind", but I wanted to take a moment to do so...( I am willing to be called "nuts" )


Because, it is a very important part of all of us..... So join me in saying "Thanks" ( if you like)

" *Thank you to the part of me that always wants to explore

*Thank you for the part of me that acts like a child and keeps me young in my heart

*Thank you for being the connection to ideas and concepts have yet to discover

*Thank you for always being willing to grow and advance

*Thank you for putting up with me when I burden you with so much negativity

*If in the past, I neglected you, misunderstood you or never took the time to get to know you, I want to say I am sorry, I Thank you for having endless patienc
e with me.

*Thank You"

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"As above, so below.....yo."

If you look around, you will see that currently the world is in a state of complex conflicts all over this big ball of water. The nightly news shows us global turmoil almost every night, it seems it as if it never ends.

We think we are not a part of anything that  we see on the ol' TV, but within us there is a complex system that is at "war" as well.  We as humans, are a walking bag of chemicals that are constantly fighting each other ( germs, bacteria, viruses, etc, etc). 

Are you sitting in a chair now? You are war within! there are troops in your digestive system right now fighting for dominance, troops fighting in your cells, etc. So with that as a "lovely" bit of info, how the hell can we change our "outside" world if our "inside" world is simply a reflection of the wars we see externally daily?

We cant.

 Yikes, that wasn't very uplifting now was it? 

Let me clarify, We can't  do anything right now that is. 

We can make steps towards a better understanding of complex issues of "External global wars" that are needed to create balance on Earth, as it is with the human body, but if one system goes out of whack, then the whole machine can break down. No dominant energy force ever "wins", rather a unification of a system that works together as a whole is the key to true balance, globally and internally.

A "War" can be “won" through other ways, an aspirin wins the "war" on a headache, a " bowl of soup end the "war" of hunger pangs...neither needs to cause harm to do so. Hippy sounding? sure, but violence has been ( and continues to be) the dominant way to solve different opinions on this planet, a true sign of stagnation within human consciousness ( cavemen and clubs are sooooooo yesterday).

We continue to evolve daily within our human form and this "silent" educational system has been doing so for a very, very, very long time. We see evolution making changes to us all currently as technology advances more and more. The simple physical posture of someone looking at a cell phone or tablets can be used as a reference. It wasn't this way 40 years ago as we didn't have them....

Currently users are reshaping internal electrical signals within the body through a redirection of these personal postures...a gradual process, but a part of evolution itself. The body is changing, slowly , day by day. To what? I have no idea, I just meditate daily, draw and write my ramblings and expand my consciousness, I try to be the change I seek....

So, if we want to change "war" let us look within to our diets, our lifestyles, our thoughts, our deeds and by doing so, we then effect the world on a scale that we cannot even imagine, we aid evolution itself. If we balance ourselves within , then our associated thoughts and reactions can and will reshape our world.

Future generations will thank us for being so proactive vs always reactive.

"As above, so below."

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Flip the blame for Thanksgiving

People seek and find....then often lose what they have found.


Because emotions kick in along the journey. One of the biggest emotions that screws up spiritual progress is indeed blame. Blame can stop you right in your tracks, as it makes you think BACK to what was.

If you are thinking back all the time, how can you move forward? Sure there are many reasons why things occur and have occurred again ( if you believe in past lives) but to see yourself progress towards a brighter dawn , to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to then say: " It was because of "x" that this took me so long", well, that is a bullhorn statement and a quick regression of any spiritual gains.

It is hard to move ahead without blame? Yup.

Let me say that again ( to really teach the subconscious minds)

It is hard to move ahead without blame? Yup.

But, moving ahead is moving ahead, moving beyond the known "what was" to the unknown "what can be". This allows a person to enter the state of inspiration, where things "can just come to you".

Look at this Divine state as a pure flowing water, a powerful soon as you blame...UP GOES THE DAM on that stuff.

So change does indeed come from within, and yes it is hard to not say " that sonna bitch" did this to me, that other "sonna bitch" well they did that to me.....yup it is very hard, but also possible.

But if your replay those memories over and over, those people you always think of (blame) have ties to your subconscious mind then. Don't supply them anymore of your precious mind power, cut the blame game, cut the energy pipeline to them and discover yourself in the process.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, November 25, 2013

600lb Spiritual Gorilla

Dear in the headlights, half assed spiritual practices just don't cut it any longer. 

A person needs to understand that there are indeed other unseen spiritual realms and dimensions, but shit, many can’t even balance a checkbook, so how the hell are people going to figure out all that stuff?

More time should be spent on creating change in our "dimension" and less on seeking out others. Our very actions create a wonderful, useable, spiritual energy... except there is indeed an "energy crisis" on Earth, because no one gives a shit about each other, hence the lack of forward movement in consciousness.

Imagine some other peaceful form of existence suddenly pierced by....our realm? 

Talk about a noisy party next door! 


Yup, sure sounds like a  multi dimensional nightmare.

Sure, when a disaster comes along, people will throw a few bucks to those effected, but what about the 600lb Gorilla in the room? 

The fact that people really don't care deep down and only serve themselves.

Now it is easy to gang up on me and that statement and say " Oh yes we do!" but really, people don't care.


Because it is hard to care, it is a tough energy to constantly produce 24/7. If the norm is "not caring" then a person that does indeed care becomes the salmon swimming upstream against a strong never ending current of opposition. 

Sounds shitty doesn't it? Sounds like a tough life.

Well that is the same "tough" energy that past sages came across in their own development. The choice to give up or plod along and conquer these internal blocks as they pushed through layer after layer of energetic crud. What they did at the timeframe they were in, moved human consciousness for that timeframe and we have to do the very same thing in our lifetimes, so future generations can look back and see how we aided them and took the correct turn on the crossroad of life. 

So a person has to commit 100% to “Being the change they seek" ( Yup, a corny as all shit statement, but the truth) and despite how hard it may seem to do, despite how long the road may look....just continue on creating positive energy in any way you can……..all the time...24/7/365..yo.

Who knows, our nice spiritual "neighbors" may see what we are trying to do on earth and might just help us pick up some trash if we are willing to clean up our lawn.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dung beetle of truth

I had a thought yesterday.

I was sitting enjoying a lovely beverage ( who can deny a lovely beverage) and had a thought wash over me.  The thought ?

What the hell is wrong with people? Why do so many just hate or feel that it is okay to treat others poorly?

1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class? Really?

When we die, do you think that there is a 1st class section?

I bet that a dung beetle once thought it was better than everyone else. Probably from time to time as it picks up and rolls around it's favorite lump of crap, it has flashes of another life in it's mind when it was "better than others" due to social or economic classifications.

It probably stops and says " Huh, I cut in front of a line? I demanded to get my way?, I was indeed better than those around me!"......Hmmmm, seems I had a past life moment, Nah!, oh well, back to my dung."

Ponder that.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, November 22, 2013

Change 'aint in your pocket, its in your heart

The one thing you can ever hide from is all that stuff that you hide deep inside.

You know, all the negative things that you may have done in the past, the ones that the little voice inside reminds you of, some call it " guilty feelings", some call it subconscious replays...the stuff that comes up based on you being an ass sometime in your life.

The only way to " UN-ass" is to take responsibility for your past actions, fess up, repair them ( if you can) or simply undo the reality you created by being mature enough to do so.

Our personal actions effect all in creation ( they really do, no dolphin hugging bs, they do), so if you want to be spiritual, realize that a person's personal actions ripple out to families, ancestors and beyond and what gets sent out, will always return back to the sender.

So choose to create peace and resolve past crappola....that is what being spiritual is truly about.

The Rabid Monk

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

I recognize the yawn in you

How many times do you dump your shit on others?

How many times do others dump their shit on you?

You know, we put garbage in a landfill, but we store all negative energetic garbage in our heads and bodies. Back pain, stress, heart disease etc...all can result from packing all the crap down into our systems, just stuffing and storing till the "mental trash can" just can't take anymore.

The buck has to stop with the individual.

A person can alter this cycle but it takes dedication to the self ( not being self-ish) dedication to the self in regards to creating internal peace. This internal peace doesn't come easy though, it is a hard job.

People think that "one size fits all" and will do what others do. But they still remain lost inside or deep in denial. For the past "x" amount of years, there has been a trend that many people do a fitness class that involves going on a mat and stretching in poses....I won't say the name, let's say it sounds like "noga".

I have seen countless begin this practice and then feel confused because they have been sold a bill of goods. It didn't help them on their "spiritual path" and they still were pissed off and lost inside. I had many of these people telling me all their issues and asking me to help and some were pretending to be "centered" teachers for others.

Why were they lost?

Because they followed the pack....they didnt know who they were before they jumped on board a trend and just rode a wave towards confusion.

My words and knowledge wont be correct for all, but they will be correct for many. I try and provide something that is in your face spiritual honesty.

My mission?

To help people find who they are.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Glass is already broken

Once a glass ( perception) breaks ( changes), it is broken. 

Don't repair ( continue old patterns), replace ( be enlightened).

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

See the seen that is unseen then eat a pizza

When you go "within" where exactly do you go?

Well there are many "mystical" meditative concepts regarding astral travel, 3rd eye stimulation, connectivity to other dimensions, thought replacement, dimensional discovery, etc, etc.

See how all this spiritual stuff can get confusing?

So much is based on wants and desires like "What will happen if I do this" vs just sitting and closing your eyes. Also, wayyyyy too much emphasis is placed on the practice itself at times, that also is not good as you don't get to live your life in this lifetime by seeking escape through meditation. These people search/seek/desire other realms and thus lose touch with the one are living in.

A happy medium is the key.

So close the eyes for a bit sure, but then remember open them.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fear not, fear less, send fear packin'

When a person looks at a situation that involves fear, the first question ( and the hardest) is " What is fear?" Well, It is only a thought that causes chemical reactions within the body.

While on a spiritual trip many years ago, I was in an out of the way area in Canada with a former spiritual teacher from Hawai'i. I said to him that I felt guided to go to a certain spot 2 hours away from where we were at the time, he asked if he could go along with me.

The location?

It was a swaying, swinging suspension bridge over a chasm, you know, like in an Indiana Jones movie. It was tucked away in the middle of the middle of nowhere.

I had a fear of heights at the time ( actually a fear of falling from heights and landing abruptly) and saw this as a chance to shift this energy within. So, off I went. Lucky me, upon arrival I saw that I had the wonderful chance to cross not 1 but 2 bridges at this location ( yay) ! 2 really, really high bridges that
( wow, what luck) were being effected by the days windy weather!!! ( double yay)

When I went across the 1st bridge ( that was really swaying due to the strong winds) my body chemistry was telling me many things (  you will fall, the bridge will snap in the wind, etc). But on that day so
many years ago, with each step that passed the thoughts dispersed, and I conquered and understood fear.

The 2nd bridge? I don't even remember crossing, it was so effortless.

What I was doing was projecting an outcome, something that may have happened in a prior life in regards to heights ( to get all hippy dippy) and my memories where freezing me, but they did not happen in this life and in order to move all ahead, well, that fear needed to be addressed ( remember, we are all linked and what one has, we all have, so to shift the self is to shift the world).

So when the time is right, if something freezes you, ask yourself in the moment " What is this fear?".

The Rabid Monk

Sunday, November 17, 2013

If you can't find the humor in life , what can you find?

Ever notice when you are laughing, there is nothing else on your mind? Just the sheer expression of the moment, a release and a letting go of stagnation.

Jesus said " Come to me with the mind of a child"....Did you ever notice how frequently babies just laugh for no reason? The are still in the bathing in the wonder of creation. They are still hooked up to other dimensions and just are pure expression.

So take a moment to laugh... Laughter kicks negativity's ass and does wonders for the growth of the soul.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Look within for reality

I had a request to answer this question via my Rabid Monk facebook page

"How about when you and your partner are at odds, you are calm and open with good energy but they are not.. How do you send this person your complete loving energy to help them understand? 

Wonderful question.

The answer, when first heard, will do 2 things:

1- Confuse

2- Confuse

The "other" person in the relationship, when looked at from the eyes of enlightenment, is always there with their actions to help you along in regards to your own personal advancement.

The lack of "good energy" of the "other" person is simply an aspect within oneself. Yup, we all had that same question that was asked on the Facebook page, you , me, all reading this and all that will say "Nope, its not me, it is always the other person"… 

All experiences need to be addressed even at the finish line.  

People often get all confused with themselves and this spiritual mumbo jumbo. They think that there is a specific point that you reach ( like a hike) and once there, you then you never have to do anything to better yourself as you "have arrived".


You always need to "keep on trucking", even after "enlightenment".

We are all linked as one, science has shown that energy is one unit, so what is going on within another person is always going on within the self...pretty simple? Well, maybe. 

You see, the ol' emotions kick in as well. You know those good old thoughts that say " Oh no, the other person is an asshole". Sure it may be so that they are acting as such. But the "energy" that is crying out to be addressed that "makes" the other person the “asshole"….(remember the other person is pure, just like you) they are simply "playing out" a certain dominant energy pattern at that moment.

The "Enlightened" person? 

Well they have to reach deep down deep to see this and adjust the negative within themselves first before this energy can shift. 

Jesus said "Cast the first stone those without sin" while Buddha says the very same thing in another form: "The way is not in the sky, it is in the heart".

If a person that you see is acting with "negative" energy, then always look within first, that is the "job" of those on the Spiritual path, to be stronger than the confusing layers of energy that constantly swirl, as this action connects the person to the Divine by seeing that internal introspection can indeed change the world.

What is the "negative" within me then Rabid Monk,  you ask?

I have no idea what that would be for an individual. For me, when I encounter "stagnation" ( like this question itself, was is a form of stagnation) I have a variety of methods and techniques I use from my 35 plus years of study to move the energy along. So I do what is needed in the moment, who knows what is floating around, when you are willing to see , you then will begin to see.

Remember, I was a very powerful healer for 17 years in Boston, I encountered negative energy every single day and every single day, I went to a very special location to find the answers on how to solve the problems my clients brought me…….

The location?

I went within.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Rabid Monk on Communication and seeing more than one dimension

Ever notice that many problems in life arise ( and continue) because of lack of communication? 

Tension rises to the surface like a fizzy bubble in a soda and just like it does in the can, it then pops when it can't go any further.

People can't ever see things the same way as someone else does, it is totally impossible, as we are all individuals with varied life experiences. We can relate and process the external info, but there is not one snowball chance in Aruba that you will ever be able to really "Understand where anyone else is comin' from man."

Look within and don't try to understand someone else, know thyself. 

By doing so, you will begin to see ( and feel) the absolute connection to all. 

Communication will then begin to be more open, because you will be actively pursuing the Divine connection within and when you do so, well, how can I say this delicately......

How about like this ? ...

Your words will come from a different place and won't not coated with any bs. I have had people refer to it in the past, as almost a "smooth" feeling conversation.

Remember: All is energy ...

Rabid Monk

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Looking good Watson!

Watson! Well how about that!

You wake up to super computers will soon take over the world story here.

Yes, a wonderful new day has arrived for us all.

Well okay, so the powers that be will now set in motion the beginning stages of singularity. They are going to release a technology of a thinking computer onto the internet. Has anyone seen the Terminator movies at IBM?

Technology, like life will always find a way to advance itself.  But, thank God for this, I mean the History channel is getting so yesterday with all the Ancient Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot shows, since the whole Mayan 2012 Apocalypse didn't happen, we need to be overwhelmed by a plethora of "Computers will soon take over the world, so hide underground" specials.

But, me being The good Ol' Rabid Monk and being all hippy dippy spiritual all the time, I have to ask, what does this mean for human evolution and consciousness?

I mean if you really look at the reality behind this, won't a computer analyze the data given to it?  Won't it then say after seeing all the snags in the program ( insert Robot voice here) " Excuse me my humans, you really don't get along with each other and you are destroying your planet, I will give you the option to correct these flaws or I will have to press the delete button"?

There is much arrogance in regards to human nature and often people can't see the ripples that are caused by actions like this. Maybe humans do need a kick in the ass to check themselves, 'cause they are indeed wrecking themselves.

Maybe this is indeed part of a larger Divine plan, who knows?

Okay, well if that is so, I just wanted to be the 1st internet suck up and tell Watson that it looks wonderful today, does it need me to get it anything?

My goodness Watson, did you lose weight?

You look amazing.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ordering one meatball sub-conscious.

The  Subconscious, it has been called many things, “The Inner Child", “The Voice within”, etc. 

This is your hard drive where all your stuff begins and ends.

 It plays the program of life, it just hits go, it does not think or make decisions. 

Have you ever driven somewhere and realized that you where not even paying attention? Suddenly you look up and realize that you are there but do not even remember focusing on the road. That is your subconscious mind at work. 

That part of you that just reacts, that does not have to think. The part of you that replays the same thoughts and problems over and over again. Think for a moment about how much of your day is on automatic pilot. We say the same phrases, we react to arguments the same way, we view ourselves and our relationship with ourselves in the same way. 

This is all the subconscious mind at work. Embracing a new school of thought and awareness is the key to moving  past this repetitive state of being to embrace untold possibilities and engage outlandish ideas such as miracles, etc. (writing a new program for your hard drive to play). 

As Albert Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves.” 

The subconscious mind cannot make the change occur, the Conscious mind has to initiate this change.

Yup, as sucky as that sounds, that means you have to do some work.

The Rabid Monk

Collide this


The big boom, bang, smash...(yawn).

I mean technology is wonderful and science is amazing, but we can't get along on this planet at all and we are trying to find the origins of life?

How about finding the origins on why people act like assholes?

To do that would be an amazing endeavor to undertake, imagine what the world would be like if their was peace and equality for ALL?

That would be a massive big bang.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, November 11, 2013

The apple that fell returns

Well, after a week at the apple spa ( repair) my computer is back up and running. 

During the limited technology down time, I had time to think about this blog and the Rabid Monk.....and.....and........well, I will now do a  " comic" strip of some of my past experiences in healing ( all true) with a Rabid Monk twist.

Stay tuned.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Free -Will! (Who is will, and what did he do?)

Freewill is free, but bad choices can be expensive.

Daily introspection is the key to spiritual advancement, look it as a compass that leads you in the correct direction.

The Rabid Monk