It will begin when the heart cannot take the nonsense it experiences any longer and understands that Divine connection to something greater is indeed possible. Peace will then become as tangible and real as anything else that is created on earth through application of universal principles.
Peace is not an etheric concept or some bullshit bumper sticker. Peace is indeed a possibility, but it is created ( or destroyed) by choice. Peace has to have its creative origins in a state of nothingness, it cannot have an agenda, it cannot have a goal or a projected outcome.
It has be a "canvas" state where future outcomes are not decided by past histories personal wants or desires, but driven by the longing to see what was and create what can be...not through repetition of prior energies that have caused turmoil, but by fully understanding the capability of human consciousness and applying that power to change the past "dna" of hate and war.
This historical energy has always had origins with the human mind and "thoughts of" another person or situation. A clenching choke of "reality" then once again plays out, as a person gets caught in a response wave and can only react to the invisible "what was" of past emotional ties that then lead his/her addictive actions to create the all to familiar repetitive outcomes such as hate/war/fear/ etc.
Peace is a layered action that builds in time, not in an is sort of like hair, it slowly grows ( well, not in my case, but for those with hair).
You cannot however, add a peaceful layer to life and then oppose it shortly afterwards by conflicting actions, as your choice to do so simply removes the foundation that you have placed and then you wind up playing catch up, running on a etheric treadmill that goes nowhere.
Peace is 100% all in, all the time....or not.
The Rabid Monk