Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fowl mood

You ever have a bad day and lash out at people ? 

Of course you have.

Bad days are when all the crappola that gets stuffed down rises to the surface and "takes over". Every thought can be negative, every response "snippy"...

When these emotions erupt, it is like riding a roller coaster until the end, you just cant stop the motion once it has started and often what is unfolding in front of you is like watching a movie on a screen. 

The after effects are "yuck " feelings inside, regret, shame, etc.....

The seeker of enlightenment, always looks within, deep within at the sources of these outbursts. The more that one can study the self, the more one can see the sources of these negative energy triggers and avoid them. 

It is like viewing a work of art for a long period of time, you see colors, textures, depth unfold as you continue to look at it. 

If you take the time to study yourself , your "canvas", the paint brushes you "paint" with wont be loaded up with shitty colors, they will indeed be special and your "artwork" simply wonderful.

The Rabid Monk

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