Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Energy 101

Energy 101:

Negative bullshit will always try to jump to the next host and suck the life out them. Kind of like the ol' telephone game , but "sucky-er". One bit of negativity will hit someone, they will react to it, it then changes their energy ( bad mood, negative outlook, etc) and then they will in turn feed the negative by speaking negative or acting negative to others ( then negativity will then spread to other "hosts") about their crappy bs...

It is hard to deal with crap, but it is also a learned process on how to do don't have to allow bullshit to attach itself to you ( and then spread)...sure, things happen, but to identify at the very moment, that moment of negative transference ( to another person, conversation, etc) is indeed enlightenment in action. 

I am all in for the "talk good" movement, some bad shit happens? say something wonderful as soon as you hear/see it....don't give the bullshit any power.

How Rabid Monk you say?:

See a bad story on the TV? 

Say : I really love the smell of roses ( or whatever it is ) then move on from the story.

Do you see how you can alter things right in the moment?

Unplug that power cord to negative stuff, it has had its time, the time is now to bring some positive energy to this world. That is why I always provide a lesson with a drawing, silly movie, etc. because laughter provides a positive charge...hmmm, how about that? 

Huh, wha? excuse me for a moment.....................................................................................................................................................................

-Sorry about that, a glacier just wanted to tell me that I am cool.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

the f word ( faith)

Even though living ( and doing) something new may seem to be fearful to do, faith and courage are special 2 energies that can lead you towards a new life.

I always like to use the analogy of jumping into the ocean, lake, or pool, once you decide to jump in, you cant put yourself into reverse after you initiate the action:

"Ahh, no, I think that pattern of memory is stronger, I will stick to dry land ( and continue to complain about wanting to swim)"

Nope, good ol' gravity will help you along and presto! you will be in your new "water" world. The same applies to an understanding of a progression of the self. A person has to "swim" in a new world and to be able to do so, you have to "Jump in" fully. 

Faith and courage in this instance are the gravity to help you along.

If you still have fear, then imagine yourself with a "floatie" around your waist as you dive in.... : )

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

world peace

Recipe for world peace:

-Men love women for who they are
-Women love men for who they are

The Rabid Monk

Monday, June 16, 2014

zen and butt spread

Remember : To "not" is also "to" if you are "not" then you still "are"...and "will".

Wait, what?- My head hurts.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, June 14, 2014

wu wei

There is a Chinese word for non action or non doing and it is "wu wei". To be loosely define it, it is like rolling with the changes in a non reactionary way...being "in the flow". To be able to achieve this state however, does involve work and study, so to become aware of non action, one has to take action first ( how about that?).

To peek into the wu wei state for a second, one doesn't become a robot void of emotion or desire, but rather one understands the canvas of life is colored by reactionary moments. 

Being in the this flow is also accepting the fact that it is okay to get angry, it is okay to get peaceful, it is okay to get sad, it is okay to get excited....etc. 

To flow effortlessly between all these states and let them transpire is indeed wu be stuck in one.... is not.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Craptastic adventure

I care enough to be Rabid about providing the spiritual truth.

That truth can sometimes be funny, frank or educational. My "misson" is to help people find enlightenment along the way & make people laugh a shitload while doing so. There is way too much violence, sexism and hatred energy in this world....and sometimes something new pops up and says " Hey, let's clean this crap up" and that something new may just in fact, be a little Rabid.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fill the energy tank

Spiritual gas tanks often need filling.

But if you are the "one" who always fills other peoples tanks, who fills yours?

Take a moment today to simply sit and breathe...don't think, don't visualize some far away place or desire....just breathe and fill your tank.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


People forget the power of laughter. When you are laughing, are you overthinking? dwelling? casting judgement ( on others or the self?)... nope.

Laughter energy is small a slice of Nirvana, the more laughter, the better on this big ball of water.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, June 6, 2014

dont go chasing waterfalls....

The power of a rushing waterfall is immense. 

To stand next to the crashing water is a real energy booster, the air supercharged charged with ions, energy of the impact of water to ground is very cool to chill out next to.

Now, all this positive energy is located at the bottom, the point where falling water meets earth....the top? That is the point of change ( choice). Sitting at the top of a waterfall is beautiful, but you wont experience the true power, it has to be accessed below.

Rabid Monk Deep Stuff Time:

Chasing the top of a waterfall ( conscious thought) will only lead to you a point of no return, the same flow over and over. The power to truly change is deep within ( the subconscious mind...the "below" ) where water of thought can crash and spray wherever it lands, where the mist of change is in the air from the impact, where energy physically changes shape and then returns to its original state, flowing naturally.

Know the difference between the two secret energies of waterfall and you will begin to see life ( and experience) in a whole new way.

-I shit you not.

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tree speaks out

You know, trees need a little tenderness as well.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fowl mood

You ever have a bad day and lash out at people ? 

Of course you have.

Bad days are when all the crappola that gets stuffed down rises to the surface and "takes over". Every thought can be negative, every response "snippy"...

When these emotions erupt, it is like riding a roller coaster until the end, you just cant stop the motion once it has started and often what is unfolding in front of you is like watching a movie on a screen. 

The after effects are "yuck " feelings inside, regret, shame, etc.....

The seeker of enlightenment, always looks within, deep within at the sources of these outbursts. The more that one can study the self, the more one can see the sources of these negative energy triggers and avoid them. 

It is like viewing a work of art for a long period of time, you see colors, textures, depth unfold as you continue to look at it. 

If you take the time to study yourself , your "canvas", the paint brushes you "paint" with wont be loaded up with shitty colors, they will indeed be special and your "artwork" simply wonderful.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, June 2, 2014


Monday, Monday, Funday.

I am going to go out on a limb on this mornings post and say that it will be influenced by the 80''s rap star " Flavor Flav". 


Well for those old enough to remember the golden days of the 1980's when women wore much lace and men wore much eyeliner, you will remember that good ol' "flav" wore a huge clock around his neck. 

I thought this morning after my 1st cup of coffee, that this was actually quite a profound metaphysical statement. 

I mean after all, it was a great reminder of time ( surface level)..and how we can either replay energy moment by moment or recreate it (deeper level) by changing our actions by releasing energetic stagnations within. 

Regardless of what we choose to do, time just continues to pass.

So I wont say "fight the power" as that is a continuation of battle and war energy and we have enough of that....

I will say :

"Address the power within and resolve stagnant energies as you see fit, as time is always passing and you owe it to yourself to become enlightened"

-The above is probably why I never became a rapper.


Rabid Monk