Friday, February 7, 2014

Spiritual? Hah!

Spiritual is exactly..what?

Is it placing famous quotes on a social media page? 

How about "Inspirational" pictures with happy sayings?

The "hang in there baby" cat photo?

A Jesus sand footprint photo? 

The good Ol' Buddha statue propped somewhere?

Currently in our messed up world, the term " spirituality" is rapidly losing any sort of validity due its overuse and "ownership" of some people that throw the term out like it is purchasing a pair of shoes or planning a vacation. 

" I am very spiritual" has become the " Save the planet" of the 21st century. In many ways though it mimics the " Save the planet" aspect because while a wonderful saying, nothing is really being done to save the planet ( only by a few people) and more energy is given to saying a person is "spiritual" then actually acting upon it.

I guess what I am trying to say with this rant is that more time should be spent on seeing in all directions, more time should be spent on acting upon " spiritual" lessons to make them real, more time should be done to discover exactly what power all the past sages TRULY found inside and less time simply just saying that a person is spiritual to be accepted or wearing spiritual doo dads because it is the trendy thing to do.

Since we are connected by our thoughts and actions by the web of life, the day that people stop bullshitting themselves, is the day that bullshit begins to diminish on planet Earth and we all move ahead.


Do I practice what I preach with my big mouth? You bet your ass I do.

I try to provide the truth....And what was that silly old saying? Oh yes, 

"The truth shall set you free".

The Rabid Monk

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