Sunday, February 23, 2014
dump the old energy drains
The are so many complexities for people who consider themselves "compassionate" for those who strive for a better world. It is hard to extend yourself to people who pretend to be your friend and then find out later just how much of a lie that is.
But it is also the fault of the compassionate person as well.
How so?
Because a person will often lose themselves and give so much outward that they forget to take care of the self. They seek approval in friendship not being aware that the friends that they have chosen to be around are only there because they seek the compassion energy of someone.
You have to love yourself 1st....if someone wants to be around, they will love you for you and not because what you do for them, how much you give them or always being the soundboard for problems etc.
The ones that only want to drain you?
Well they are not friends, so set yourself free. It may be painful, as you may have known them for a long time. But it is like hitting yourself in the foot with a hammer constantly, day after day, week after week and slowly forgetting that it is a choice to do so....then someone comes along and says " Ah, you know you can stop that, right?"
Who knows? that person just may wind up to be a new friend.
The Rabid Monk
Friday, February 21, 2014
Trust fund Buddha
Okay, most know that Buddha was Prince ( a very rich prince). He walked away from his money to go find himself ( much like many trust fund babies who can "go and find themselves" and live in a yurt ( with wifi of course) for a while and then go back to daddy's company or live off the trust fund after the are "found".
He ( Buddha) then became homeless and walked around a while to find who he was. Okay, seeking the self is noble. Seeking answers to "why of life"...awesome. The issue I have with many religions passing on the history and the issue that I "discovered" within while I was searching for the answers in our timeframe?
That many people who seek fully, 100%, don't have anything to fall back on. If that enlightenment shit doesn't work out, they cant go back to Daddy's palace ( company). While I love many of the concepts of Buddhism, the truth was Buddha was a trust fund baby. Now don't get all pissed that I said that, it is the truth and the truth sets people free ( I have a big ass tattoo of Buddha on my arm since I was 19, remember I said I loved the concepts..oh yeah, I am cool, I have a "Tat").
Siddhartha Guatama didn't have the subconscious worry of money imprinted onto his brain while he went on his quest. He wasn't the same saddled with the same weight, the same financial burden as a "regular" person was. He could just roam around and test himself, if it didn't work out, well back to the palace and riches it was. It is funny, that people forget that he sat and begged for food from people, but those who are homeless today, well fuck them right? they are "bums"....Did you ever think that a "bum" could be the 21st century Buddha in the making?
You never know who is who....right? You never know.
How about the single Mom, trying to find peace while she takes care of kids and a household? Can she "journey" and feel so at peace while doing so?
Spiritual reality today is different that was in the past, that is the reason for the Rabid Monk's in your face type of instruction. We can achieve what those did in the past, we can unlock the same energies...but we have to do it based upon where WE are, NOT where THEY were.
How oh do we do that, Rabid Monk you say?
Well one way is to respect the principles of all religions...the essence to what they all are trying to is this truth, the truth within and all around, no bullshitting, no ignoring...the provides other worldly connections and miracles on this plane of existence ( trust me on that). But realize that we cannot take the principles spoken thousands of years ago, literally in today's society.
Spiritual truth is fluid, flowing and becomes the time and space we the past, be the now.
There are many amazing things in religions and also many confusing elements.....will I address other religions in the future?
Oh you betcha.
The Rabid Monk
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Closed lips, equals open mind
The mystery of spiritual results begins with the shutting of ones mouth. The opening the mind begins when the ego is released and a person can let go of the desire to access the endless horseshit of opinions and judgements.
All past sages spoke of this , so unless they were assholes, they were onto something, so maybe give it a try.
The Rabid Monk
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Cookie cutter
When is it ever the correct " time" in a person's life to discover new concepts and take a chance?
Every single moment.
The issue however is that people get locked in same ol same ol. Goth kids hang with goth kids, golf guys hang with golf guys, yoga women hang with yoga women.
This is a comfort zone. Friends should challenge you, awe you , be supportive but not be a clone. Yup you and your friends are so different, that is why you all dress and look alike.
Break down the invisible walls of acceptance to see outside, the breath of fresh air that you will breathe is called diversity.....which is part of the evolution of our mind, body and soul.
The Rabid Monk
Thursday, February 13, 2014
drop your pants
Lets look at depression today...I was asked by a loyal Rabid Monk Facebook fan to do so.
We all have have been depressed at one point in our lives.
This energy can feel as if you are swimming in a sea of glue that just attracts more and more shit your way. When this happens, it seems the more answers you seek, the more you get confused. Many years ago, I had a couple of Dr's send me their patients because they just couldn't help them with depression.
So what "magic shit" did I perform? what "miracle" ?
I was simply me, I listened to them and made them laugh. Sometimes when a person is in midst of the shit storm all they need is to laugh, I know it sounds silly. But laughter can help to break the cement weight of depression. I was myself, a big mouthed , big hearted, clown who would do anything for a laugh...once I even dropped my pants for a laugh one time during an appointment to help shift the energy in someone ( I am not going to drop my pants for this page, well, maybe, hey! idea for a cartoon--see above!) that is the 100% truth.
Of course there is always medication to help as well and I am actually a fan of living life and allowing anything to aid you. This whole "medication thing is wrong" can be bullshit. There are many variables to life and sometimes a person needs a extra little help.
God, the Universer, Buddha, Cheese Sandwich ( whatever you believe in) provides many answers to our endless questions......
The Rabid Monk
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Buzz buzz vibrate
Today's post is all about vibration ( no, not that type)
Yup the good old signal that you project to the world. The radio station, the boom box, the bullhorn.
What do you "yell out" in regards to your truth? Not the truth that people think they project, but the truth that is silently playing within your thoughts...the real one, not the facade.
The "she has fat ass" or " I think this guy is an asshole"....thoughts. Those have massive vibratory power people...and effect you as well.
Me? I am bold enough to say this truth and I wont continue on and on on how I have massive practical knowledge of all this stuff over the years ( snore).
-I do.
So , clear the mind of all the cobwebs that clog up the thoughts, you need not be all sunshine out the ass all the time, but be aware that those hidden thoughts are also an energy that you project out to the world and as a result, get sent back to you.
Small steps forward still allow you to arrive at your destination of enlightenment.
The Rabid Monk
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
no more s*hit thrown at fan
Why do we sit back as human being and allow tragedy to occur over and over? A simple device that cools us, that moves stagnant air...has to be disrespected and treated with such distain?
It has to bear the burden of our own inability to deal with our subconscious insecurities and shortcomings? It wakes everyday, dreading the possibility that it will be caked in fecal matter because someone couldn't handle day to day issues?
The time is now, to stop this nonsense..stop throwing shit at the fan.
Aim it at the dishwasher, screw that thing.
The Rabid Monk
Friday, February 7, 2014
Spiritual? Hah!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
N lightening
and another week begins.
So who cares? I mean, why not rehash the same energy from week to week?, why not blame and point fingers? That has worked sooooooo well over the years to shift all the stagnant energy crap in life, right?
Then I guess one week people will wake up and say " Wow, its Monday, I think that I will make the effort this week to really see the world in front of me".
It is funny, over the years ( I know I have said I used to be a very successful healer in Boston in prior posts, just stating that again to tie in the following story) when people came to see me in my former practice in Boston, they were always shocked that I was not Asian, as my reputation was one of a very old wise Master.
I guess people expected the classic long white beard, long white hair, white robed Sifu like in classic 70's Kung Fu movies and not a wise ass Irishman who is willing to tell it like it is. You see, I always saw the need for absolute spiritual honesty was the key to moving things forward for all. Sure, people need specific things/periods in life to "find themselves" but to be locked into a perception of "spirituality" is to place a noose around its neck.
Is the crystal?
Is it the clothing?
Is is being able to do twist around like a pretzel?
A chant?
A specific location? ( one of my favorite misconceptions)
Hmmmm, Why does fashion change all the time, but spiritual practices never evolve?
I speak only the truth and show people this reality and then get accused of being angry. I am not angry, I am Rabid about change and try my hardest to show people all the repetitive energies that replay over and over again.
In a click, we can be on video, spreading a spiritual message to the world- sure that could also have been done via a deep meditative state thousands of years ago, but now in the quick click mentality, you use this new fangled technology and presto!
Yippy! we have this advanced technology...but the message just isn't sinking in......The same old shit breeds the same old shit. Look around.....Nothing can change until people wake up one Monday and see this.
Then what?
Well, seeing is the first step, then comes spiritual action.
Who knows?
Maybe someone will see that an old Irishman can also be a be old spiritual Master (though the head of hair is leaving, but I do have the white facial stubble).
The Rabid Monk
Saturday, February 1, 2014
super spiritual bowl weekend
Image this world, a world of spiritual actions where attention and energy is given to actually making the lessons of past teachers alive and again and advancing them even farther into the future by truly committing to the principles of love, peace and care.
Oh this made up wonderful, wonderful world in my mind.
Sure you can have commercials for "super spiritual bowl" weekend, sure you can sell t shirts/cups/shoes/hats/food/schwag and give the proceeds to those in would all be a part of the event. So much emphasis is given to a current popular game where teams "battle" each other for domination and tear each other apart, has anyone though for a moment the multi dimensional approaches to continuing such combative energies in a culture that has endless ongoing wars?
We are going to "kill" that opposing team tonight?
Huh? Really?
Millions of people using the power of the mind to focus on 2 teams "battling" each other? More war?
Has anyone sat and used the same power to focus on solutions to issues? Cancer? Famine? Hate? Addiction? Violence against women? Nope, guys in tights throwing a ball towards each other while millions seek victory or destruction.
I know I am the "abnormal" one by not being a football fan, but my heart and soul sees the bigger picture.
The Rabid Monk