Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sink hole of spiritual thought

Ever feel like the spiritual ground underneath you has simply opened up and disappeared? I mean one second, you are walking along all happy with a friggin halo and the next you hear a snapping and cracking sound, the world shakes and blammo! a sinkhole appears.  The angelic themesong playing happiness in your head gets replaced by a symphony of gas spewing rectums trumpeting melodies that are seemingly aimed at your very soul?

Remember: Being spiritual does not guarantee you a stress free life, it provides you ways to deal with the foul aromas the often get shoved under the spiritual nasal passages...spiritual tools like a shovel to fill those mental sinkholes, or an air freshener to cleanse the air of negative thoughts.

Being Spiritual is to be prepared, to be willing to apply and become knowledge itself, to shift energy as it occurs. So if a sink hole appears, move and grab a shovel. If the symphony plays a stinking tune, move upwind....

Each day is just a chance to grow.

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