Tuesday, August 26, 2014


A teacher can educate, inspire and guide. What they cannot do is directly apply information for each student. Sages, Gurus, Wizards..etc. became what they were through the application of sacred knowledge passed down to them, not by sitting on their asses in a cave somewhere waiting.

This world needs people to generate positive energy/ change on a global scale as the world is tipped towards deep crappola right now...remember: negativity and hate isn't sitting on a couch right now.

Generate love and positive charge not by simply wearing a pin/bracelet or placing a bumper sticker on a car, rather, seeing the self inside for what it is...a connection to something greater, something that links us all and then make any and all efforts to shift energy on this planet ( like even a cartoon on Facebook) by looking at any and all judgement energy, laziness, complacency, addictions, excuses, etc, etc....

If we are all linked :


Then it is time to get off the rock in the cave and do something for this world.....

The Rabid Monk