Saturday, May 31, 2014

Where the hell is......???

Okay, we all have bouts of being forgetful. 

Keys, bag, wallet, etc. We also tend to forget the positive actions of others and how that they have changed and shaped our lives. 

Sure, we remember the bad "That sonna of Bitch, he/she stole my favorite pair of flip flops"...but often we let the good memories of people that have given of themselves fade away and let only the bad crappola stick around.

Today, take a few to remember those who have provided you good energy/guidance and if they are still around, tell them "thanks". 

So often they never hear it.....

The Rabid Monk

Friday, May 30, 2014

Carpe something or another

It takes time to discover who you really are worth it, stick with it.

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rats ass

People often ask me what do I "do" daily for my own spiritual practice. Well, I am not here to "convert" anyone...I am here however to make people find a deeper "themselves" within their own beliefs by looking at spiritual matters from a humorous level, a fresh way of seeing things.

It is okay to have a certain understanding of something but periodically seek spiritual clarity through an outside source...that awards a person a new sense of self.

Based on that....I try daily to do a few specific things:

1- Address any dominant negative thoughts that seem to be sticking ( clean out the junk trunk)

2-Take time to breathe ( usually for 15-20 minutes)

3- Watch the news and see what thoughts "pop up" while I do so and apply #1 again. After all, we are thoughts, energy is change the energy within, you slowly change the world.

4-Draw something awesome for this page

5-Write something awesome for this page

6- Cook something awesome for my wife ( later on)

7- Listen to music ( all types, from jazz to metal, new age, pop, funk, punk, they all contain a specific energy vibrations that can aid the body and soul)

8-Thank God for giving me another day to learn about myself

Rinse and repeat.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

yin to the yang

Balance in relationships.

Hmmm Balance....What comes to mind when you see that word?

A circus performer? 

Standing on one leg perhaps? 

Balance is ever changing and flowing...Notice that when people are standing one one leg, that they "wobble" a bit to adjust the distribution of weight? 

Well, real energetic balance is to understand the wobble. To adjust all the time when called upon to do so, to be steadfast and stagnant will surely lead to a fall...and that is not what true spiritual balance is all about.

So wobble when the need arises.

(Yah, yah, yah, I know... that is some deep stuff.)

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

One plus

Be one with the oneness of one within.


If you find the one and you are you are there, isn't that 2 ?

The Rabid Monk

What's the flap, Jack?

Why when the truth is brought up, do the truth talking talkers get shit on?

People just love to transfer internal negativity to others instead of taking the time to see the self.

The next time someone is willing to offer you the absolute truth, then be strong enough to accept it vs fighting the change you truly seek.

After all, the truth sets people free.

The Rabid Monk


Welcome to a new week Rabid Monksters!....( well, day after holiday, new week that is)

How about planning for the end of the week success that you will have over the next few days ridding yourself of one crappy energy that you have accepted as the "only" one that can be? 

This morning it was "trash day" in my neighborhood, which influenced todays post. I thought "wow" now this is a profound energetic endeavor. Once a week we get to get rid of our trash, the smelly, garbage we no longer need. 

There are "recycle" items, sure...but we have to take time to separate the recycle ( good energy) from the trash ( bad crappola we hold on to). So how about trashing one negative spiritual energy today? 

Bring it up to the ol' mental curb and ask that it be taken away. Remember as I have said before, "trash it" don't recycle this one : )

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pull the finger

Pull the finger of spiritual truth and let enlightenment fly.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

1997 and still going

I found a copy of an article on ancient healing, featuring yours truly from ( gasp) 1997. Yup, that is a much younger me on the right with a full head of hair. I guess I gave out a huge amount of healing energy through my scalp over the years ( ie gettin' pretty bald).

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


The anus is truly amazing, so many people can fit their own heads right up in there.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Please note: 

You have to be willing to squeeze the balls of life if you want to break free from the day to day sameness of a spiritual joint lock or hold. 

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Power Statement

Secret Universal power statements:

See the unseen, do what cant be done, feel the unfelt and put the toilet seat down ( for men)

See the unseen, do what cant be done, feel the unfelt and please stop making your spouse watch House Hunters ( for women).

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Secret historical sayings


The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Does going bald mean having less hair or better reception for spiritual inspiration? 

Just wondering, as I just thought it has been a while since I used a comb.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, May 5, 2014

grow baby

Despite the endless amounts of horseshit applied to your soul, be you 100%.
Hey,  fertilizer makes things grow.

The Rabid Monk

Be brave

Be brave enough to care, be brave enough to be strong, be brave enough to be the outcast and believe that this world can indeed change. 

Inhale a wonderful aroma today, gaze upon a beautiful photo ( or view), listen to the sounds of the world, touch nature, awaken your tastebuds and enjoy a treat.

Start this week awake, alive and brave enough.

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Today is going to be a story lesson.

I had a lovely furry family member for 26 years. When she came into my life, I was a bit can I say..less balanced? She fit in the palm of my hand as a kitten and upon the ride home from the Vet where she was born, she climbed out from inside my coat and sat on my head ( I long had hair that time).

Needless to say, I fell deeply in love with that cat. Her name was Bodhisattva and she taught me much about life. I know everyone has cat stories and I know we all love our cats...I humbly share my love story. 

As I further developed my spiritual practices and went deep into them, she came right along with me..if I wanted to drink a special blessed water , she would run into my office, jump up on me and shove her head in my glass to get the first sip.  On days when I felt challenged, she would wake up, come over to me, jump up on my lap, place her paw on my face very softly and then jump back down and go back to bed.

At the end of her life, she was very old, nearly blind and had many internal issues. I was sitting in my office one day becoming very sad because I knew our time together was coming to an end and I heard staggering footsteps coming in to my office...She walked next to me and sat near my feet ( she couldnt jump any longer). When I went to pick her up, she walked away, but waited for I followed her.

She walked me over to a wall and sat with her face facing it ( like Monks in Zazen) and waited for me to sit with her ( I am not making this up). We then faced the wall and meditated together. -She wanted me to sit, so I sat.

A day or 2 later, she was gone from my life. 

Now, I am "that" guy that people saw in Boston for "miracles" for 17 years, yup I am that guy with special "abilities"....and at the end of her life, she gave me one last lesson, what a perfect name for her...Bodhisattva.

Why am I telling this melodramatic cat story? 

Because I want people to know, there is more to life than going from periods of sorrow to the next sorrow, there is more than falsehoods of pretending to know about life on the outside while dying slowly on the inside, there is more to life than sitting on ones spiritual ass till it is numb....

Dont just look at surface items, always be willing to look deeper at life and willing to spread messages of hope, love, faith in new ways...even though it may not be the norm.That is why I place jokes with my cartoon lessons at times, to get the point across from a new energy source...humor.

But today I am telling a story/teaching through "cat love" energy....and it has nothing to do with the internet interwebs obsession with cats.

The Rabid Monk