Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ignore ignorance

Short post:

Don't become a person that ignores the importance of caring.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, January 27, 2014

People piss on peace

People sometimes piss on real peace. 

So often psyche will override forward progression and cease spiritual movement. It is hard to advance in regards to truly trusting this unseen invisible thing called spirituality.

Yes, in many ways, it is indeed crazy to believe in something that you cannot know if you are correct about until you are no longer alive. But, on the other hand, it is totally breath taking and   ( insert big drama filled word here) "enlightening" to understand that inspiration comes from "out of nowhere" as well.

So that "Nowhere" may just indeed be the source of all that is...so why not give it a friggin' shot? We all see the bullshit energy that is global, we see the famine, we see the hatred, we see the disconnect that is right in front of us....that keeps on going because old energy patterns keep on being repeated.

The big issue I have with spiritual stuff?

Well one is that people have "demanded" the other side deliver things to them, they order things from the "universe" like they are ordering a fucking pizza. What about taking the time to truly see what is in front of you first before you get out your "demand board" and speak you orders into it?

What about looking at the "Problems" that you need to change within and see what you have done ( look inward) in the past that has manifested the issue first before you ask anything else to help. See the energy that you generate and make all efforts to cease the repetition of what (take responsibility) is transpiring within that then causes imbalances externally.

A person has to accept the relationship to the whole before simply asking for something to change. Action breeds action, it has to a 50-50 relationship, not a one sided " it's all about me" imbalance.

After all a child simply can't have the cookie all the time, it sometimes has to clean up it's room first.

The Rabid Monk

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sans schlong

So who has it correct in the spiritual lotto?

Why do you think so many people on earth have so many varied  belief systems?

After all, when we die, we all die the same way...we live and then, we are dead.

Death is the only time when all the bullshit and hatred of the human opinion of whatever comes next is removed and then one can cash in the religious lottery ticket to see if it is indeed a winner or not.

Funny, the " winnings" can be collected right here on earth while a person is alive....ie: not being a dick.

Talk about  that for a jackpot!

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Screw normal

Never forget on your personal journey, that the spiritual seekers before us were challenged. They were kicked in the balls, called crazy and much much more.

The desire to push the human spirit forward will always be a part of who we are. Listen to the past, but also listen to who you are in the present.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, January 24, 2014

Bieber arrest = Inner Child Spiritual Work

What exactly is wrong with society? 

I cannot believe I saw a news program interrupted by a "breaking" story....Justin Bieber's arrest. Click to see. Okay, I know that I am a spiritual guy and this post does involve the spirit.

The spirit of the collective conscious of the world. Could Marvin Gaye see the future?  i.e. "What is going on?" We stop a news cast for a pop star who gets caught acting like an ass and that is more important than the news of the state of our country? What the holy hopped up horseshit???

Okay, Okay, inhale....and exhale.

A Rabid Monk Spiritual opportunity time!!! let's look at this then, as a chance to spiritually advance.

What part of your subconscious is not being taken care of ? 

What part of your inner child is running around unchecked and acting out ? ( Like Bieber)

This recent bullshit with Justin Bieber (in an upside down pineapple cake Rabid Monk viewpoint) can further along those with ears that want to hear and eyes that want to see on their spiritual journey.  All is connected and all is multi dimensional and energy is constantly in a state of flux.

Consciousness begs to be raised to new heights 24/7/365 (yo)  and a person has to be willing to see past "what is". Sure, a brat acting like a dick on the surface is annoying, but to step back and see that ALL actions have a purpose and ALL actions can aid a spiritual person willing to be a part of the bigger picture.

How many times have we seen pop stars rise and fall? how many have gone unchecked and have been "yes-sed" to death because people didn't want to be responsible for the foolish behaviors that the stars performed because they feared losing a paycheck?

We call people "stars" and then wonder why they fall ( hard) ? 

Enough of the head up the ass inhaling!!! It is time to look past the norm ( effect) to the  unseen   (cause) and see that the unseen is within all of us.

Me? I am going to do some introspection to see what is going on within in regards to this Bieber thing. We can change the world, we just have to give a shit. I don't care if anyone believes me or not or thinks that I am a spiritual whackjob, I know this to be true. I cured many people, did amazing things knowing this hidden power within. It is the choice of the reader ( you) to see the real meaning about that whole "cast the first stone stuff".

Ready? for a mind blower? aid YOUR inner child and see what transpires.

Now covering Bieber over a real news story? well that is just one more spiritual chance in itself.

One step at a time, one step at a time....but for now, Let us all see what is going on....within.

Click for a moment love from the Rabid Monk

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Eat this reality sandwich

The reality sandwich I offer, is one of complex tastes.

I offer people a way to see themselves through a subtle understanding of their actions being the source of the change they seek in the world. However, this is a very complex ( yet simple) concept to understand.


Well, you go through stages when doing so. You have to take baby steps in regards to understanding "what you see is what you get". People think that they know what I am talking about and I get plenty of private messages telling me that they do and then tell me all about some teacher they had or some book they read, well....they don't know.

All I ask is that people take a small step and see just one type of energy...one type, Rabid Monk?

Yes, one type.

Do you see hate?

Do you see fear?

 Do you see greed?

Do you see pleasure



These are all chances to identify what is within you at that very time and space. A way that reality is showing you an outward projection of what is manifesting internally. You "broadcast" what you "see" inside first and then you see it visually.

Don't try to conquer all of this spiritual stuff at once, you cannot...It is like putting your hand under a running faucet and trying to grab the water as it flows across your palm, it will simply run off.

I have committed my whole life to this "Spiritual" mumbo jumbo and sometimes paid the price for doing so, but I have never stopped my own forward progression in regards to the service of myself and the service of humanity. I know firsthand that you have to build upon each level as your progress along- kind of like that whole white belt to black belt thing, and me? yes I am indeed a high ranked black belt of all this stuff  : )

The first step in understanding how all this shit works?

Stop accessing what you think you know and possibly give something new a try. You don't eat chicken soup all the time to then try something new one day and then get some....chicken soup.

So today, how about seeing the world from one dominant energy that YOU have inside. See how people act in front of you, on the tv, radio, email etc. Then ( whatever energy it is) see how you can delve deeper into it and understand it. If it needs to be altered ( violence, addiction, etc).
Then search for the antonym of the word and make that energy real by creating it through the day.

Complex? Yes.

 Simple, Yes.

The Rabid Monk


Just for Rabid Monk purposes, as today was a bit serious, I will through this in so people know that I did in fact write this: shit, fuck that, bullshit, chi, Divinity, asshole.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ahh, flake you

Okay , I am getting afraid.


Because it seems as if the world has lost it in regards to its addiction to being addicted. I am on the East Coast of the united States and once again during the winter, we just had a snow storm....quick! run!!! hide!!! ..."la- la-la -la....duck and cover"

But now we just don't have snow storms any longer, we have entire state Governments shutting down, the media naming the storm, telling people that they must stock up on food, news casts informing of the impending doom and gloom of the white fluffy terror from the sky ( with accompanying graphics), people rushing home on the roads causing traffic accidents and stress....

It is winter, it will snow....is it me? Did people forget this fact?

Did somehow frozen water falling from the sky change in some manor to become more aggressive? Do snow flakes carry switch blades now? Are there snow flake ninjas that I am not aware of ? Tough gangs of leather jacket clad snow flake hoodlums falling out of the sky causing terror wherever they land....Damn you snowflakes! 'git outta this town and leave our good people alone!

Okay, relax.... inhale....and exhale....whew.

Something has shifted in human consciousness that I am truly trying to identify. It is very deep and complex change and has made people almost act like puppets on strings. Sure, be safe if there is a storm coming, I have no problem with the media letting people know of weather conditions, but this is deeper.

It seems that stories have to be so inflated, so fear based that people almost get in this relationship where instead of getting away from the abuse, it is almost like they say " Well the news only acts that way because of me, they tell me these stories this way because I deserve it". An addiction to this type of sensationalism is dangerous. Because eventually, people will say, "Oh this next storm wont be bad, its never bad they just say it will be" and that is when there will be trouble.

And that is my concern.

But fuck it maybe I am just a crabby Old Rabid Monk....

Okay, let's prepare then....

I see in deep meditation, those sneaky green thugs that invade out trees coming near, shoving their green-ness upon the world, the smothering emerald blanket, the forced extra oxygen in our lungs....shit, snowmaggedon ends and then , shit....

Spring LEAFPOCALYPSE  will surely follow!!!!

Where are you God????  Will it never end???

Save yourself..........!!!!!!!!!!!

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Spiritual Selfie Bullshit

You know that photo style that is 'sweeping" the world? 

That silly, false, “ Hey", “Whacky" open mouthed smile, isn't life great? shot...

The "selfie"?, Well, it is 100% bullshit

I was driving the other day through the city and saw a young girl in her 20's walking down the street. She had the standard brooding look of a 20 something. While waiting at a red light, I saw her stop, take out her camera phone and and take a "selfie"...

She smiled, pretended to be all happy ( in the photo that would then project a false reality when posted online to all she knew) "selfied" and then walked on, back to the same snarly, brooding face. This made me begin to to look deep at this energy that I just witnessed. 

The current reality that is projected is indeed influenced by this "falsehood". People post these photos online of a fake reality that they create and then wonder why they are really not happy in life. 


Because  hundreds of false faced photos on instagram do not a happy life make.

Spirituality in many ways has also turned into a "selfie". People go through the motions, but truly don't commit to becoming unified with a Divine energy.  They "fake" smile spiritual practices on the outside, yet still make no effort to be a part of the real change when it is shown to them....but spirituality isn't outside, it is indeed inside.

The outward projection of "knowing" but not really knowing is the same "false" reality shown like in a “weeee! I am happy" selfie photo. Your mind is wonderful for connecting to whatever you believe in, but your actions show your commitment to creating a new reality, not a false bullshit selfie filled world.

Spiritual actions involve.... action, not a fake cheesy made up spiritual smile to the world.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Rabid Monk on uh oh, he is really Rabid Today.

So it's Monday and who gives a shit?

I mean it's just another week right? More of the same old garbage, the same old nonsense right?

Why bother?

Why?, because someone has to in this fucked up world. 

If you believe in the power of the mind, the power of prayer or even just listen to the old Snap song "The Power", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aiZmKFoo5k, you have a certain understanding that there is some greater power that can aid you in creating a sense of change on earth.

That change however, isn't handed to you.

You have to make the effort to at least believe and initiate some sort of action on your part to generate positive energy. 

How the hell can someone expect "miracles" when they are stuck in the acceptance of the same old shit over and over again? Boo Hoo, I want a miracle, but it just wont happen to me ( blah blah friggin blah) .

Complaints, breed complaint energy....I know certain energies may be hard to shift, but who is stronger, you or the bullshit........? I worked my ass off to aid people and guess what? I helped them, was it hard? Yes. But screw that, there is NOTHING stronger than my will, so how about you? 

Are you strong as well ?

So It is not just another week....it is time to look at the universal clock and say " Oh I get it"......

You wanted the "real" Rabid Monk, well baby, you got it. 

Guess what? 

I am the man who did amazing things for many years and created many miracles for my former clients and I also say fuck ( gasp) and tell it like it spiritually is.

So take that normal week of the same ol' same ol' energy...

Shake up that tree, lets make some changes happen. I am sick of people spreading hate and violence, I am sick of fear ruling this world, I am RABID!

The Rabid Monk

Friday, January 17, 2014


You what is truly foreign to people?

The concept that God has stopped talking.

Somewhere down the line, it seems that certain religious organizations have decided that God only speaks to them and "certifies" any communication in specific location. Religion has removed the direct connection to Divinity by making people feel that a certain place is better for communication than others.

If I recall, the earth is one unit, so if one place is "holy" then the whole planet is "holy" because God created the whole friggin place and what happened? Did he/she screw up on other areas?

Nah, I don't think so.

I love churches, temples, mosques...they are amazing tributes and provide a sense of peace to people. But really?  Come on, its 2014...a higher state of consciousness awaits us....why still fight and control....

"No! its my Divinity and you cant have none...whaaaaaaaah."

God is God, I am that I am.......in Churches, Temples & Mosques and in also in someones Heart, the heart created by...yup, God.

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Unlike" who?...a part of you.

It is funny, I do a Facebook page to post some funny stories and real world spiritual life experiences:  https://www.facebook.com/TheRabidMonk. I sit draw cartoons and take the time to meditate and see what inspirations come as a result and humbly share.

I have seen when I tell the truth that makes people more responsible for their lives, I often get "unliked" for doing so. Spiritual progression is odd, as many times, people are so clouded that they do not see what is right in front of them.

Pattern energy is powerful, it will hit that "unlike" button so fast that it will make your head spin. It knows better, it loves its misery, it loves to sit in a puddle and complain its ass is wet.

The best thing about "enlightenment"?

Well, that it is fucking tough.

People assume that a person who is enlightened has all the answers, that is marketing fucking nonsense. A enlightened person has some of the answers, true, but a human being is still human and part of this world. Sure, other realms and energies are available to a person who has worked their ass off to achieve some sense of other worldly understandings, but to imply that you are "holy and shit unicorn filled rainbow clouds" ( like many spiritual "guru's) well that is absolute arrogance. Me? yup,  did amazing things for 17 years in my former healing practice, but I am not saying that to show the size of my spiritual cock, rather, I am humbly saying it because it is true.

This truth also drove me to do The Rabid Monk character, to post what I post and shift ideas, energies and concepts of current spiritual reality.

We are all moving in time and people should be aware of that....fuck playing "catch up" we are 100% here and now, I am humbly trying to move people in conjunction with time and space.

Why would anyone want to do repeat the same Karmic shit over and over and over?...the time to change is now....but what the fuck do I know, right?

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bag of thoughts

Ever notice that the world is going to shit?

Hmmmmmm, when exactly did this happen?

When did people stop giving a fuck and simply choose to become vacant dishonest people?
I know deep inside, people are not this way truly, I know we as humans have a strong untapped spiritual nature, one that does in fact care for each other.

Somewhere along the way though, deceptive energy crept in, sure call it what you want and make it all pea soup puking melodramatic, I am not giving into visuals of fear....all I am saying is that the same way people chose to become dicks is the same way that can stop....

Through the power of choice.

You choose negative we get a negative world, you choose positive , well you get....
Hmmmm, I am not sure as the world hasn't done that yet,

Any takers?

I believe.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, January 6, 2014

The smell of bullshit

A spiritual journey can be confusing and frightening.

Often a person who seeks answers can ( and will) be susceptible  to all sorts of conflicting advice and instruction.

Eat meat, don't eat meat.

Wear the color blue, don't judge colors

Let go of all, while holding onto to your beliefs

Fucking confusing isn't it? 

Yup, a hodge podge of horseshit that confuses people daily. Mind you, I am not saying that believing in something is a bad thing, no, I actually I favor it. What I am saying is when you are searching, you have to be careful about the bullshit that people will fill your head up with as you go along your journey.

I know this to be true...I have gone through the ringer, been squeezed, used and tossed around by all sorts of "Masters" and Spiritual Guru's. I suffered greatly in my personal growth and found a sense of peace through all the shit that transpired.

The reason I do The Rabid Monk character and cartoons, is to show the public the humor behind the spiritual search, a way to make people be at ease with themselves as they plod along through life. We all have the same questions regardless of what the fuck we believe in and we all know the same answers inside, yet, the shit still hits the fan generation after generation and we still war externally and internally with the concept of a truly Divine understanding.

Peace never causes bullshit. 

When humans can connect spiritual elements with the day to day activities of life, then you will see a true change on this planet. By spiritual I mean, when people get a friggin' clue that killing in the name of your belief for peace is horseshit ( killing yourself, killing others). when ego and greed are dumped for compassion and care, when people just have friends and lose the desire to describe what color or race they are....you know all that shit.

Peace never causes bullshit. 

The Rabid Monk