Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Telephone Game

If you ever are confused about what "it" is all about, what all the religious history is about....

You know, killing in the name of God to "better" the world..Well just look at the telephone game that we played as kids. You know, when you say a story and pass it on to the next person and by the end of the line of receivers, the story is nothing like its origins.

Well, that is what are playing right now folks. History shows so much blood spilled, millions dead, monuments torn down and burned, sacred text destroyed the story gets passed on.

Driven by what?-yup, This telephone game.

God, Divinity, The Universe  whatever you want to call it....has many facets, but the one common binding denominator to it all?  Creation.

Suns implode, plants die,  mountains turn to seas, black holes appear,  time ticks, etc..all a part of constant movement and creation. We as humans can also create, as we have the ability to expand our minds and create action that alters who we are ( like not having the extra piece of cake to lose a couple of pounds for health purposes) and who we can become as a species.

So maybe the person at the end of the telephone game of life can stand up and say " Ahh, excuse me, none of this shit makes sense? Can we go back to the beginning where the story began with just love for all?"


Okay,  screw it I will...."Ahh, excuse me, none of this shit makes sense? Can we go back to the beginning where the story began with just love?"

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Funny, when people think of things "spiritual" they would never think of anyone that says "fuck" as a person that could actually know what they are talking about.

Well, fuck that.

Break that mold, shatter the shit and move your head from your ass into a higher state of being. It is the 21st century. Sure there is something larger than our human understanding, something that I cannot explain.

But do you really think something out in the universe cares of where say "fuck"? Something that is BEYOND time and space? BEYOND comprehension? Well unify yourself and go BEYOND the foolish ties to old perceptions.

Actions love, help people, help yourself, care....act!

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Rabid Monk earth

So blogs are based on this stuff called..stuff. This blog? Well, it is chaulk full of spiritual stuff and understandings that are  based on my lifetime of actual usage of  mreligious principles.

No dogma, no bullshit, just the underlying, unifying gnosis that binds all to human dimensional experiences.

Somedays I feel the need to be funny, other days? Shit, I could just scream as I see so much spiritual stagnation.

The Rabid Monk drawings to me, act as " spiritual cave paintings" simple, yet convey a message deep into the subconscious. I challenge rabid monk fans to explore the results of accepting a world where a Divine connection is indeed possible, if you get off your ass and make it happen.

Trust me, I know this to be true.

The Rabid Monk


It amazes me that people will be blind to things that can help them based upon chemical reactions in the body such as : pride and ego.

The human spirit when given the choice to advance loves to do so, it gets bogged down however by the emotional connection that a person has to ones chosen behavioral patterns.

Would you tell a 8th degree black belt you knew than them more because you watched a kung fu movie? That is what the majority of people do when speaking about spiritual matters.

I spent the better half of 15 years in a chair in meditation and spiritual service and still unlock elements within myself daily. I embrace the unknown, the chance to grow.

Dont miss the chances when they come

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Perception 101

I have spent my whole life trying to lead a life of discovery. I searched for the "religious" experience from early in my youth, one that has been told to us by history and many times, I actually found it ( and nearly shit myself with the things I have experienced, hey, "ask and ye shall receive right?").

I think in the 21st century, it is very hard to inform people about personal responsibility unless you are on a TV show, book tour, etc. Who would listen to someone who doesn't have a yacht or bodyguards, or mansions. I mean Buddha sat under a solid diamond tree, right? Jesus drove around in a Bentley correct? 

So, I get up each day, humbly do a drawing after meditating on what to draw, write some lessons covered in humor and see how many "likes" come from what pours from my heart. Maybe I will be able to spread my unique direct message in a solid gold corvette ( hey I am balding, that is what balding guys purchase) someday.

But, till then, today, the "lesson" is about perception.

Teachers come in all forms, from the ones in religious centers, to the check out girl at the grocery store, to the homeless person on the street. Everyone was encounter can teach us. sure, certain people ( like myself) have specific talents, but the world is our classroom full of amazing info.. Today, see how much you can learn from everyone you meet ( through conscious thought and subconscious thought)...turn the internal dial to "10" and be aware of.....all.

The Rabid Monk

( Did I mention that the solid gold corvette would have a kick ass 8 track tape player)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Study people

Study people when you attempt to make a left or right turn in traffic, that is the time to work on the self and spirituality. The act ( trying to make the turn while no on lets you by) is truly enlightening.

Dont allow the "rage monster" to rise if no one lets you take a turn, simply look at people as chances to create peace within. I do this daily , when I shift the energy within, a person always stops and lets me take the turn.


Because we are all connected....what is in me, is within you.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rat Infested

The Process of Being Spiritual in a Rat infested world.

When people think of things spiritual, chanting, temples and long white haired people bending over being able to see their own asses usually comes to mind.

That is all well and good, but what about people who dont live in a temple? what about those that dont pretend to be self gurus and attend a stretch ( oops, excuse me) a yoga class? ( dont get all crabby about that statement , we all know that the front row/ push people out of the way to get their "spot" yoga crowd are very advanced spiritually, right? )

What about a person confronted with daily violence? where is their outlet?

That is why I am doing this character and this page. I am concerned with those who seek the answers, those who desire the knowledge on how to "get out" of the environment they are in. Trust me, I was one of those inner city who helped many, yup even the front row push people out of the way crowd.

There is more than what is currently  fed to people as " spiritual", I am here to show that.

Stay Tuned

The Rabid Monk


Perception 101

Funny, people have always perceived me as "odd". Whether it was my martial arts teachers, my spiritual teachers..well, basically anyone that ever taught me anything over my lifetime of study.

I would always look behind the curtain of what was being shared, as I was never happy with the status quo information download/acceptance. I would ask "why" and then ask "why" of the "why" and on and on.

I never sat on my ass and simply allowed info to wash over me, I always wanted more and pushed myself to obtain higher understandings. This sometimes brought me to points in my life where I had to sit alone and discover "within". But as history has shown, this is usually how all this spiritual shit is done. 

My mountaintop has actually been mountaintops, my dimensional realms actually have been dimensional realms...I am not a tree hugger, nor an asshole. 

 I am me.

Hello World...I have lots to say.

The Rabid Monk

Holy Horseshit

Holy Horseshit there is a ton to keep up with.

Okay, even though I am on top of the mountain, glowing with knowledge from a lifetime of study, service and taking out the trash when my wife tells me to, I need a system in this 21st century to keep up with this blog, facebook, twitter, google+ funny or die, you tube and whatever comes along that can help me spread my rabid monk spiritual in your face-ness.

I mean, there is only so much time to float on the astral plane and post all my experiences to the world.

Do you think taking your shoes off at an airport is pain in the ass? imagine the security check I have to go through while flying through dimensional realms?

"You need to take off your past lives sir to go through security"...

Really? Do you know how long that shit takes? Not only do you have to do that, you have to then put them all back on, not THAT is a real pain in the ass.

Excuse my absence to this blog, it will be updated each day now with words of wisdom and delight from yours truly, The Rabid Monk.