Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wash up

Powerful elements of life 101:

Don't judge, laugh.

Don't dump your crap on others to make yourself feel better

Always be willing to simply be...nice.

When "full of yourself", pull your attitude drain plug

Know how valuable time really is

Make the effort to better yourself each day

Make the effort to better the world each day

Take the time to develop a higher consciousness 

Lower the toilet seat

Say "Yes Dear" to any requests

Laughing is cleansing, being Spiritual is enlightening...

The Rabid Monk: The washing machine for the soul.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, October 25, 2013

Lift the lid

Stagnation is stagnation, free the soul and the mind ( and whole world) will follow.....

Got it?

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mmmmm life, so yummy and tasty

Let me tell you a story about life.

Life is fun.

One big bowl of super wonderful crunchy fun covered in milk ( or soymilk if you are lactose intolerant).

But sometimes the "n" is removed in fun and as a result, you go through periods of "f-u". These periods are just moments however, but the energy of these rough patches can seem to linger on and on. Despite what the emotions tell a person, a second lasts only a second, a minute lasts only a minute and hour lasts only, etc, etc.....well, you get it.

Each moment that passes, a person (at any time during the day) can ask the self " What am I doing right now, at this very moment and how can this moment move me ahead spiritually?"

By asking yourself this question, you can obtain an appreciation for each moment and will begin to see that life is but that, just a series of events connected. Up has down, night has day, life has death, joy has sadness and on and on.

It can be tough at first to really " Be turned on" ( No, not in that sense) to ones surroundings, to be able to truly be present, aware and in an active state of what I like to call "Constant Introspection". But if you stick to it, life puts the "N" back in fun and you will soon see that the "Rough Patches" are the same as the "Fun Patches".

They are both just moments in time.

So seeker of all that is peaceful and happy ha ha wonderful, what are you doing right now, at this very moment and how can this moment move you ahead spiritually?

   The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You are soooo full of.....choice.

Choice is not a four letter word. 

Well actually it really isn't, but I speak in the sense of using it in context in regards to spiritual advancement and how sometimes it feels like an "f-bomb" for it's explosive nature. Sometimes people forget that many of the blocks and attachments inside are based upon the choice to still have them remain within. 

They become a part of who a person is and feel like a well worn in pair of shoes or the best blanket on a chilly winter night. It is hard to see past the fact that a person chooses to remain steadfast in past opinions, demands, outcomes...and yet wants the Universe, God, Buddha, etc.  to provide them what they desire and change their lives, all the while why they themselves remain exactly the same.

It is a choice to hold on to old "stuff" within, it is also the choice to let the "stuff" go.   Is it tough? Hell ya, but energy is moved when doing so and choice then can manifest "earthly" action.

Choice is the key that unlocks many doors, but you have to choose to see something massive....


The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

crappola, crud and garbage

You know, life sometimes hands you crappola, crud and garbage.

If you act the same way each time it is dumped on you, then each outcome will always be the same. Has anyone ever said " Yes! I stepped in dogshit! hooray!" No?

Well who knows what that reaction would do to the collective conscious if that were to be so.

Energy is like water, simply waiting to become whatever shape it is poured into....Do you want explosive reaction energy? Peace energy?....etc?

Be willing to reshape your glass and see what happens as a result.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, October 21, 2013

Zip it

I just wanted to get really Rabid for a moment.

I spent the better half of 17 curing people with my hands through the usage of a special energy/spiritual/God in regards to all this energy stuff, yes, I DO KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT.

Anyone who questions what I have to say.....when you get the cards and letters like I have thanking me for all the miracles...then let me know.

Till then, zip it.

The Rabid Monk

A whole big bowl of nothing

So here is a question I am asked often:

Q: How can a person expand themselves spiritually, yet desire outcomes?

RMA (Rabid Monk Answer) : When a person looks within and does so with the desire to look within, then they have looked within. When a person has the desire to sell something to someone and then looks within, then they have sold something.

None of us can exist without some sort of driving emotional origin ( change, desire, etc).

The key to advancing the self is the honesty behind ones actions, if you are indeed honest and simply focus on the exact energy at hand, then you will

Like the today's cartoon shows, the student felt nothing.

Maybe tomorrow the 3rd eye will pop open for them and they will see all, but today ...nothing. If the students sees nothing, then the nothing in the moment of nothing was the lesson, if you search for something within nothing, then you have missed the experience.

The Rabid Monk

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wave your hands in the choice

People often want to be " As free as the wind". But the wind isn't actually free, as it contained within earths atmosphere and cannot travel out in the vacuum of space into infinity.

How about being as free as choice?

Not so " Kiss a dolphin" & "Do the cha cha with a rainbow" sounding, but energetically more honest to the subconscious.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Within is in, without is right out

The experience of life has many lessons.

Each day ( as corny as shit as it sounds) should be one filled with these lessons, but not lessons that are ignored, lessons that are learned.

Often a person will indeed ignore them and thus repeat the same energies over and over as a result. They will then say   " Why me?" when these energies keep on playing out again and again.

One has be aware of the energy that is within themselves first before they can view the outside world and change it if they so desire.

If life is simply viewed as something "outside" of the self first, then half of the equation is missed and yup, you guessed it.. the same patterns then repeat over and over.

Look at the Spiritual influences that aid you in learning about yourself inside....Are the lessons awesome? Do they make sense? Do they add onto your forward progression? Do you "feel" them inside?

 Always look at the self first when desiring change.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, October 18, 2013

overthinking equals sinking

Ever notice when you think too much, you think then think too much about thinking too much?

The crap is then applied to a the fan and one thought leads to another and soon enough you are pissed off thinking about someone who bumped into you in line for coffee a year ago and how rude they were.. and on top of that they had an awful jacket on... it didn't match their shoes and another thing, they simply didn't even say......blah, blah, blah.

Over thinking is quicksand.....keep an eye out for it.

The Rabid Monk

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oh wow, I never thought of that.

I want to address a reality, the reality of life.

Life isn't difficult, it is strange however. People never know what is in store for them and each day can feel like a wall has been placed in front you, just impossible to climb over. 

You reach and and reach and reach, trying to climb up, trying to grab that rope to pull yourself higher and higher towards the top. But it seems that the rope is just out of reach and getting to the top will never happen.

I will now share some sage advice....

You want the other side of the wall? 

But you can't see a way over the impossible obstacle?

-Walk around it vs climbing over it.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rabid Monk Subconscious Mind Update:

Rabid Monk Subconscious Mind Update:

I don't want to post you tube videos ( other than mine of course) on this site, but I wanted to stress the importance of the subconscious hard drive lesson of today. This video below just came across my plate this morning.

It shows 2 little babies being instructed on how to punch and kick each other. They have no idea how to do so and are educated to this "new" energy by outside parties.

This video visually shows the perfect connection to the inner child or subconscious, it shows the energetic transfer of patterns and how the children ( or inner child) smile and simply reacts to what it is told to do by the outside party ( the conscious).

The babies ( the subconscious) are learning violence...they are being taught an energy. This may help people stuck in the "I don't get this inner child/hard drive crap" to understand this Divine connection a bit better.

We have to make a daily conscious effort to educate that part of us, that inner being. We have to teach it hope, peace, expansion, creativity, love.....and trust me, I am very highly ranked black belt with years of real world hand to hand combat training, I recently threw out all my uniforms & martial arts weapons and belts after 35 years of training....why? Because I only want my subconscious to only generate and understand peace.

I would ask, if you desire a connection to the bigger picture, pass this post on today to all friends and beyond.

Much Love

The Rabid Monk

Peace is within #spiritual

The earth is a small place.

We think it is huge, but in reality, it is very small. 

With technology, it is very easy to find anyone on our planet and as computers get faster and faster, who knows what wild advances are in store for humans.

What about that whole deserted island thing? even that will have WiFi  or 4g soon. Yikes.

We now have video phones, talking wristwatches, smart appliances...all wonders that years ago were only a dream in movies

Once technology really takes over, the only place to go for "shhhh" time will be within ones own thoughts. Peace will be have to be found within the subconscious.  But like technology, you can't run from your own spiritual progress/stagnation either. 

Your own actions always catch up on you just like a search engine seeks for data. So when technology takes over , make sure that your quiet space is indeed quiet.   

Clean up your mental hard drive of all the junk you have written on it....drag the crap to the trash.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hamster Pride

It is tough to break old patterns, but it is possible.

If that little voice inside, that subtle whisper that says " Hey, there can be more than this" listen to it.

We are capable of truly amazing things, all we have to do is step off the wheel and see what is next.

What will the "next" be?

Who cares.

It won't be the same ol same ol..

The Rabid Monk

Friday, October 11, 2013

Drink ( nope), Drink! ( nope).....

Let's explore today the art ( and expelled energy) of "helping".

It seems that people care and care less for each other in the world today and that the word "concern" for a fellow women and men has turned into some use of profanity. A person who views the world differently, however will often personally extend themselves out to make a substantial change, as they see the imbalance and feel inspired to help.

The issue with doing do is that the energy that is used to make changes always comes from the individual. This can be a very draining and tiring endeavor to undertake. I always refer to this as"energetic transference".

There are many concepts and variations to this understanding, I will humbly state mine.

You see, if there is stagnant energy, something outside stimulation needs to move it along. If a person decides to be the one to do so, then the energy required to do so, comes from the one who cares and is sent to the one who has a "issue". The hard thing though is the fact that a person can get wrapped up in the completion of the act ( see it till the end).

But this isn't always the best thing to do.

Sometimes it is better to lead people to a new understanding and then walk away. You cannot advance the evolution of someone else's mind and soul, you can only supply them with the water of life to drink a glass of truth.  When you keep on trying over and over, you are depleting yourself in the process and that is not what true balance is about.

A person has to "get it" on their own free time after being shown new info....lead, sure, but then let people sip.

You both will then feel refreshed.

The Rabid Monk

Thursday, October 10, 2013

erase what you want

Okay, I was asked yesterday via private message by "A" on the Rabid Monk Facebook page  
(  the other day to address "Ego". 

Well I can do so, but I will have to have people search for the lesson in my never ending (sort of) parables.

Here was part of the question : " I am of the belief that so many "enlightened love and lighters" love to project any behavior as ego when clearly there is a difference. It all feels so hypocritical yet how can this concept be articulated?"

Rabid Monk's Reply:

Ego is a word on a chalk board.

It can serve a purpose that involves pride in the self and a sense of place. What it can also do however, is trap someone in a sense of being "all that". The chalk board that can be written on is "all that" not the word written in chalk on the board.

The chalk board holds the data and the information written on it can only continue to replay the specific energy over and over again. Ego is not Lust or Desire…it is Ego. Ego is not pleasure or pain, Happy or Sad….it is a word called Ego.

It serves a purpose, it is not the purpose.

So what plays the larger roll?

The board or in this case ( the specific word in question) , the Ego?

Neither do, the eraser does.

Rabid Monk

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nanny Nanny Poo Poo

I had a discussion with someone recently about facebook "unlikes" and "un-follows" in twitter.
 Of course, I took the spiritual significance spin on things.

You see, sometimes the truth may not feel "good" at first.  If you read something that sinks in, it can be subconsciously "bumpy" ( of course I speak of important things, not hate speech/offensive posts) at first as the info may not be of the "norm".

But new info cannot be "normal" as it is well, new and thus not the "norm" A person may then judge what they read and see only the surface and then access old stuff inside and play out repetitive actions by un-liking, un-friending or whatever you call a un-twittering.

To desire to expand a consciousness is to be willing to expand consciousness and see past ones own actions and by doing so you can see then how a "quick unlike click" is simply an auto response based upon accepted past sticking thoughts or subconscious patterns.

Who knew huh?

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Say wha' you are a real person?

Today's post is more of a mini story, but also a lesson.

For about 15 years, I was a "healer" in Boston on Newbury Street (A swanky street, with very high rents, so damn,  I must have been good). I saw many, many people over the years and my reputation was one for being a "miracle worker". 

Clients came from everywhere to see me, all over the country and even from Europe, just to spend an hour in my humble little office. I healed CEO'S , World Class Chefs, Publishers, Lawyers, Designers, Stock Brokers, Doctors, Mom's, Pops, you name it ( and also healed many people for free, as many thought that "Newbury Street" was off limits to "poor" people, I said "screw that" and opened my doors to anyone who needed me).

My favorite part of the day was when new clients would enter my office for the 1st time, they would always say the same thing to me : "You're him?".  I would then say "I think so". This altered perception  of what I looked like or how I spoke was a result of people passing on the "Miracle man healer stories" on how I helped them (and like the telephone game what I looked like changed as people passed the word on). So when clients came in to see me, they expected to see something different, something like an asian man floating on a cloud with light shooting from all holes, humming in a chant. 

What they found however, was a large Irish guy full of f-bombs and sarcastic humor and all could not figure out how I of all people, had this amazing gift of healing.  One very high maintenance client actually walked out as soon as she came in saying out loud  "Oh,.... I will not see you, I thought you were asian, I only go to the source".  Funny, I did provide "The source" but she took a turn on the crossroads of her life and never was able to ever experience it by judging me and walking out.

At the end of the day I often would ask myself, "I wonder why people need a stigma to cling to?"  

I mean what I did was shift the energy in people that was causing issues ( How? Well that is a very , very long story, let's say it was a combination of all that I have learned and my absolute dedication to what I believe in..creating peace). The stigma is a energetic stagnation, just like a migraine, infertility, etc.  Why can't a special energy exist within a person that "Doesn't fit the mold?" I don't think that I am above anyone else, I just simply have a gift to shift energy. To trap oneself in a vessel of perception is to be stuck within a timeframe of existence ( Huh?-Basically, don't judge people, experience them and by doing so, you can fully experience yourself.)

Sure, I trained in Chinese modalities, Hawaiian Modalities, Filipino Modalities, Classic Meditation Methods and more, but I never locked myself into just one energetic concept. I saw the need to expand past all understandings to get to the source and sure, it is tough friggin' road to make real lasting change?  You bet your ass it was, I often only slept 3-4 hours a night as my work always came home with me. I would need to do specific techniques on each and every case for hours and hours at a time ( while the rest of the world was snoozing) , but it was something I needed to do in my own evolution. 

So why end my very successful healing practice?  Well, energy needs to shift and I ( like I said above) am absolutely  committed to doing so and do what I feel deeply guided to do. 

I now through The Rabid Monk Character, have entered the next stage of my healing abilities and will not stop the flow of positive energy when it hits me like a raging waterfall. 

The photo? Yup, that is the real me in my office in 1997…A long time ago, in a hairline far far away.

The Rabid Monk

Monday, October 7, 2013

The light of spiritual truth

It is far too common for people to edge toward the negative.

Why is is always easier to project the unseen future as negative or doom and gloom vs something that could be wonderful and uplifting?

But why is that?

Why do we as humans always seem to gravitate towards the negative or controversial? I would love to look back through history and see if our ancestors lived for the day and viewed future events with hope vs always thinking that the fan would be covered in yet more fecal matter.

Being truly spiritual is an endless road.

Opening up and accepting positive energy is more than simply saying that you are positive to yourself daily. It is truly reworking your whole being to have it reflect a new " language", one that you are slowly working into your energetic "vocabulary" by having your actions be a physical manifestation of a Divine spiritual connection, not by simply saying mantra like repetitions and then waiting for something to be magically handed to you. 

The main confusion of "enlightenment to be" arrives in your lap when you see ones own actions as the main source of change and of energetic stagnation. This can truly spin your head around like that pea soup chick in that creepy 1970's horror movie.

Sure, positive vibes occur when you can alter your mind and rework what you have accepted in the past to be "real" through meditation et al, but it also takes action as well after you vibe out. 


In a world of acceptance of the dim, a person has to be the generator, the socket and the lightbulb.

The Rabid Monk

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Spiritual Teachers have gas as well

Did you know that all spiritual teachers are human?


So don't ever place any teacher above you. Sure, listen to what they say with your ears but don't place them on a pedestal with your eyes. Any human that has emotions ( all) can therefor can be subject to human emotional changes.

To look at a spiritual teacher as some Demi God is to run away from the true source of change, namely the self.  A teacher can aid growth greatly or hamper it, you will never know until you are deep into a journey of self discovery.  Respect teachers, but respect yourself as well.

I know from personal experience that Spiritual teachers can only bring you so far and that true enlightenment comes when the information passed on from the ages becomes whole again through the growth and expansion of the next generation of spiritual seekers.

I mean did Jesus have email? Did Buddha Skype? No.

 So its 2013, take the info from the past and pass the message on in any way possible....yes, like this web page.

The Rabid Monk

Say buddy, can you spare a spiritual dime?

What we seek in spiritual enlightenment is one of full vision,  full hearing and responsibility.

Sometimes it is very hard to chug along a spiritual journey, I mean what the hell is a spiritual journey anyway? When you set a location in your mind, you then make plans on how to reach it and after time passes, you then arrive at your destination.

A spiritual journey however, has no actual end but it does imply a connotation that you are heading towards a destination.

The confusing thing for many is the journey itself and the actual destination. Each response to trials along the way is indeed the "end" of the journey each time. But each "end" then has a new beginning as the seeker unfolds new chapters in the self with every response and action and thus the journey continues onward ( if one chooses it to).

Pretty deep, huh?  Well, it can be very irritating as well ( Will this crap ever end)

But that challenge to let go and to hold on is just one of many along the way. A person will be tempted to end the quest by whatever emotion, evil, thought, pink elephant (whatever you believe in) pulls them away from forward momentum.  Feelings of "just quit" and "why" will pop up over and over again.

To the untrained, these statements may seem quite valid and they will indeed stop their pursuits ( ah screw it, why bother), but for those who see past the deception, they will see that a lifetime of spiritual study finally quells the internal struggle for truth, one that has been going on for eons of time. A seeker will see that the state of consciousness is and will always governed by the energy of choice.

What comes after this world and all this spiritual mumbo jumbo work? Who really knows, I am just getting the work done, right here, right now.

The Rabid Monk

Friday, October 4, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun isnt a four letter word

                            all images ©2013Hotei llc

There was a really silly movie that did amazing this past summer called "Sharknado".

It told the story of a tornado hitting Los Angeles that was yes, full of sharks.

Okay, enough of that.

The reason I mentioned it, was the simple fact that it was silly and fun and as a result, it caught on a was hugely popular. Now when you think of spiritual matters, do you ever think "silly and fun?".

No? Why is going within soooo melodramatic?

So heavy? So "Deep"?

It really doesn't have to be. I think that a connection to something greater, whatever you choose that connection to be, should be awesome. It should be like seeing a friend that you love to be around and always have a great time with. It shouldn't be all doom and gloom.

I mean would you hang out with a friend that didn't make you feel like anything was possible? The same thing applies to all things spiritual. Seeking answers to universal questions need not be a burden, approach it with the mind of a child and have fun, you do remember fun, don't you?

Well, that fun is the source of the answers that you seek.

The Rabid Monk

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Melt the iceberg

Energy is all around us.

Well hey, isn't that some cool new thing to know? -Ahh, 'Bull Poo.

We are the energy, we are around us all the time. So what do we choose to do with this gift?

Better the world each day? Nah.

Do we end illness? Nah.

Expand old ideas of consciousness? What are you kidding me?

Stop Fighting?  Ha!

If energy moves like water, then earth is currently one big hunk of ice. How can people move and expand with their heads stuck in this massive old energetic glacier?

Huh? Explain that to me.

Racism, sexism, moneyism, religious wars, etc, etc. All part of this slow moving mental glacier sliding across the horizon, just grinding away.

Melting old understandings can take time, but if people could band together and grab a bunch of etheric hairdryers and aim them at the block, then maybe we can alter this world .  Each hairdryer could be an individuals own talent to create some sort of peaceful change, some sort of positive action on earth.

Me? My etheric hairdryer for the world?  The Rabid Monk Spiritual Cartoon/Blog.

Drip, drip, drip.

The Rabid Monk